Avery Seefeld
Avery Seefeld is a Program Coordinator at UCSF working on the African Health Markets for Equity (AHME) evaluation and the Strengthening Person-centered Accessibility, Respect, and Quality (SPARQ) project. The overall goal of AHME is to increase access to quality health services for the poorest individuals in Kenya and Ghana. UCSF is managing a qualitative evaluation as well as a process evaluation of AHME. The overall goal of SPARQ is to improve the quality of patient-centered care for women who seek delivery, family planning, and abortion services in Kenya and India. Her primary research interests are global reproductive health and maternal health issues. On the AHME evaluation, Avery manages project logistics and deliverables to ensure that data collection and project reporting are completed on time as well as on budget. On the SPARQ project, Avery works on the abortion initiative in Kenya to develop a program that will provide women with support post-abortion and supports a number of other project activities.
Prior to working at UCSF, Avery was a Program Manager at the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality (NICHQ), where she worked with teams across the United States using quality improvement methodology to make system-level changes. While at NICHQ, Avery worked on a large-scale initiative focusing on improving care for individuals with sickle cell disease and a project focused on improving breastfeeding rates in the US.