'I'm afraid for my patients': How Trump's deportation plans are hitting California hospitals
Theresa Cheng, MD, writes about how immigration crackdowns targeting hospitals instill fear and lead to worse health outcomes.
Forcibly sterilized in California prisons, victims stitch together memorial quilt
A report back from the debut of quilts honoring survivors of forced sterilization, hosted by Bixby member Jennifer James.
Abortion bans are profoundly impacting contraceptive care, study finds
Yasaman Zia talked about her research on how the impacts of the Dobbs decision are spilling over into contraceptive care.
Primary care physicians should receive abortion training
Christine Dehlendorf, MD, and Jody Steinauer, MD, PhD, call for urgent investment in training family physicians to provide abortion care in STAT.
Call to action for National Latinx/e Physicians Day
Bixby member Josie Urbina, MD, co-authored a call to action highlighting the critical role Latinx healthcare providers play in addressing reproductive health inequities.
Burnout and bias can lead to poor care during childbirth—we created a project in Kenya that helps health workers
Patience Afulani, MD, PhD, writes about how the Caring for Providers to Improve Patient Experience approach shows promise for reducing provider stress and burnout, mitigating the effects of bias, and improving person-centered maternity care.
No law can capture the complexity of abortion
Josie Urbina, MD, writes about how the complexities of people's lives aren't reflected in abortion bans and calls for politicians to trust people to make their own decisions about their pregnancies.
Shattering the BV stigma with Dr. Craig Cohen
Craig Cohen, MD, discusses misconceptions about bacterial vaginosis, its significant impact on women’s well-being, and the crucial need to break down the stigma that prevents many from seeking timely treatment.
How on earth is there a syphilis epidemic in 2024?
Ina Park, MD, calls for action to address the syphilis epidemic in the US.
The zombie law that threatens abortion access
Mai Fleming, MD, calls on federal policymakers to repeal the Comstock Act to protect access to abortion care.
The complexities of choice: An ob-gyn's perspective on abortion and autonomy
Katie Brown, MD, writes about what she's learned as an abortion provider and researcher and why we need to trust people as the true experts in what they need.
US doctors struggle to get basic abortion training two years after fall of Roe
Dr. Jody Steinauer talked about the Ryan Residency Training Program's work to increase access to abortion training for ob-gyn residents in states that restrict abortion care.
Misinformation around birth control online is a form of contraceptive coercion
Mai Fleming, MD, Christine Dehlendorf, MD, and April J. Bell, PhD, write that contraceptive care providers need to fight against birth control misinformation by rebuilding trust in reproductive health care.
How to get the sexual health care you deserve
Ina Park, MD, helps Vox explain talking to your doctor about STIs, contraception, mental health and more.
Birth control is good, actually
In this piece about birth control misinformation, Dr. Christine Dehlendorf talks about the importance of honoring patients' concerns and restoring trust between healthcare providers and communities.
Why there's no 'right' way to birth
Ashley Mitchell argues that we need to challenge narratives about who should be pregnant and how birth should happen in Rewire News Group.
'I don't have faith in doctors anymore.' Women say they were pressured into long-term birth control
Drs. Christine Dehlendorf and Aisha Mays talked to TIME about the dangers of coercive birth control counseling and why we must use a patient-centered approach to contraceptive care.
Advancing reproductive justice for families affected by HIV: A call to action
Cynthia Gutierrez and Monica Hahn of HIVE Clinic call for a future where every person living with HIV receives respectful, culturally affirming, sex-positive care to turn their family-building dreams into reality.
An AI app claims it can detect sexually transmitted infections. Doctors say it's a disaster
Ina Park and Mara Decker raised concerns about a new app that claims to identify STIs in the Los Angeles Times.
Hormonal Birth Control Doesn't Deserve Its Bad Reputation
Elizabeth Kinsey discusses birth control side effects and choosing the method that's right for you.
Yes, some medication abortion patients go to the ER — but it may not be for what you think
Ashley Jeanlus and Ushma Upadhyay shared the facts about the safety and efficacy of medication abortion in Salon.
How many people got abortions in 2023? New report finds increase despite bans
Jennifer Kerns talked about her work providing abortion care in California and Kansas and the impact of abortion bans in USA Today.
Medical students fought to get training in abortion care. Then came ‘Dobbs.’
Jody Steinauer and Kristin Simonson shared how the Bixby Center is working to help medical students and residents in restrictive states get essential abortion training.
Abortions by telemedicine and mailed pills are safe and effective, study finds
ANSIRH research looking at the experience of more than 6,000 patients found that telemedicine aboriton is safe and effective.
She opened a business to deliver babies. California policies drove her out of the country
New research led by Ariana Thompson-Lastad explores how various policies make it nearly impossible for community midwives to accept Medi-Cal patients.
California offers a lifeline for medical residents who can’t find abortion training
Kristin Simonson and Bria Peacock talked about efforts to help residents in restrictive states get abortion training in California.
California is starting a reproductive health corps to increase abortion access across the state
Bethany Golden talked about the launch of the Reproductive Health Service Corps, California's new abortion training program.
It's time to stop shaming teen mothers
April Bell and Aisha Mays call for an end to stigma and shaming and full support for pregnant and parenting youth. Read the article.
How sick is sick enough to end a pregnancy? Doctors and some state laws are at odds.
Ashley Jeanlus talked about the Kate Cox case in Texas and the failure of exceptions to abortion bans.
How do you put a price on the loss of autonomy from forced sterilization?
Jennifer James talked about barriers in California's forced sterilization compensation program.
Compensation for forced sterilizations in California ends soon. Here's how to apply
Jennifer James explained challenges in the California forced sterilization compensation program and how to apply before the deadline.
Over-the-counter birth control pills have been approved. Let’s make them inexpensive and easily available.
Mai Fleming, April Bell, and Christine Dehlendorf call for making the newly approved over-the-counter birth control pills affordable and easy to get in Scientific American.
Ob-gyn training impacts starting to show one year post Dobbs
Jody Steinauer talked about what we know about the impact on abortion training on year after Dobbs and why that training is so important for providers and patients.
One year after Dobbs, abortion bans are harming reproductive care, ob-gyns say
One year after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Jody Steinauer talked about the need to train people who are comfortable, component, and committed to advocating for patients.
How anti-‘abortion trafficking’ laws actually *harm* youth trafficking survivors
Aisha Mays and Subasri Narasimhan wrote about how anti-abortion laws harm trafficking survivors.
To get abortion training, some medical students must leave their states—and come to California
Jody Steinauer and Flor Hunt joined providers in restrictive states to talk about what we know so far about the profound impacts of the Dobbs decision on abortion training.
Study reveals underlying racism in drug testing for pregnant patients
Sarah Roberts talked to Axios about her research revealing racial disparities in drug testing pregnant patients.
The disastrous potential of the Texas abortion-pill ruling
An interview with Jody Steinauer about the far-reaching implications of the drive to ban medication abortion.
Young people don't know their emergency contraception options
Cynthia Harper wrote about her research showing that young people don't know their emergency contraception options—but that can change.
She lost her child in a home birth. Prosecutors charged her with murder
Sarah Roberts talked about how punitive policies around substance use and pregnancy and counterproductive, scaring people out of seeking care.
Free condoms in California's public high schools? Here's what bill proposes
Mara Decker pointed out in testimony that teens face significant barriers accessing contraceptives, including stigma, judgmental providers, limited transportation and cost.
Abortion bans in the US created a human rights crisis
Jennifer Kerns wrote about how continuing attacks on abortion like the case targeting medication abortion harm patients, especially those who already face barriers to care.
What to expect when you get the birth control implant placed
Josie Urbina helped explain the procedure, how you might feel after, and potential side effects.
Preventing contraceptive coercion in the post-Roe era
Christine Dehlendorf explains why providers must be vigilant in centering reproductive autonomy post-Roe.
As restrictions complicate abortion training in medical schools, papayas are filling a gap
Ashley Jeanlus talked to Teen Vogue about papayas as an abortion training tool and the implications of losing access to training.
The Supreme Court's abortion ruling upholds white supremacy
Biftu Mengesha wrote about how the Dobbs decision upholds the violent and oppressive maintenance of white supremacy.
Could an abortion ban put your life in danger?
Biftu Mengesha and Jody Steinauer talked about what providers and patients need to know about their medical rights in a chaotic post-Roe landscape, and how things need to change.
Why primary care providers like me must become abortion providers
Christine Dehlendorf called on primary care providers to integrate abortion in their practices.
In absence of Roe, healthcare providers have a professional and ethical duty to step up
Biftu Mengesha called on providers to step up and protect patients from criminalization.
Black abortion providers wonder what’s next for them after Roe v. Wade
Katie Brown talked about the impact of overturning Roe v. Wade on Black abortion providers and the fear that like patients of color, abortion providers of color are more likely to be criminalized.
Abortion bans could leave close to half of US obstetrics residents with inadequate training
Jody Steinauer talked about the importance of abortion training after the fall of Roe.
Starting a family when you have HIV
Monica Hahn explained how you can essentially have a normal and healthy pregnancy, delivery and baby while living with HIV.
Texas gives us a glimpse into a future without abortion care training
Jody Steinauer wrote about what Texas's draconian abortion law tells us about what could happen if we lose access to abortion training.
Even in abortion ‘safe havens’ finding care can be challenging: ‘It’s a system already strained’
Mai Fleming talked about the challenges providing abortion care that exist even in "safe haven" states.