Bixby News

A patient-led approach to vaginal birth after c-section: What do patients think about including race in a VBAC predition model?

September 27, 2023
New research in a special edition of Obstetrics & Gynecology on the subject of racism in reproductive health explores patient-led approaches to a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) calculator.

How abortion bans are impacting young people

September 14, 2023
More than a year after the Supreme Court overturned federal protections for abortion, the ramifications for abortion access have become clearer. For young people, increasing abortion restrictions could disproportionately impact their reproductive health choices.

State policies impact young people’s use of their preferred birth control method

September 12, 2023
New research with community college students in Texas and California offers compelling evidence that state policies and programs impact young people’s ability to use the birth control method of their choice.

Pregnancy-specific alcohol policies don't decrease infant or maternal harm

August 04, 2023
“Policy makers should not assume that pregnancy-specific alcohol policies improve infant or maternal health. Policy approaches more likely to improve infant and maternal health are urgently needed.” Over the past 40 years, almost all states have enacted policies addressing alcohol use during...

COVID vaccines protect pregnant people and their babies

July 28, 2023
Growing evidence has demonstrated that COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy are safe and effective. Infection with COVID during pregnancy is associated with increased risk of pregnancy complications, severe illness, and death. Public health authorities and professional organizations recommend COVID...

Decreasing egg donors’ risk for ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

July 05, 2023
Donated eggs are used in roughly 12% of assisted reproductive technology cycles performed in the US, yet we have little information on the immediate health outcomes for egg donors. With growing demand for donor eggs, it’s crucial to learn more about donor experiences and outcomes.

Announcing season 4 of Coming Together for Sexual Health

June 28, 2023
Season 4 of Coming Together for Sexual Health, a podcast out of the California Prevention Training Center, has begun! Season 4 will include three mini-series. Their first mini-series is on harm reduction and sexual health, then family planning and reproductive justice, and third, pleasure.  

Family physicians agree abortion care aligns with the values of family medicine

June 15, 2023
Unlike other specialties defined by a focus on organ systems or other areas of expertise, family medicine is defined by core values of caring for the whole person and adapting to evolving needs of patients and communities. While many family physicians believe abortion is within their scope, the...

Young people who face structural inequities are less likely to use their preferred method of contraception

June 01, 2023
New research, using data from Beyond the Pill’s ongoing randomized control trial in community colleges, found that young people facing structural inequities face greater barriers to using their preferred contraceptive method.

How post-Roe laws are obstructing clinical care

May 19, 2023
A new report from Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health and TxPEP presents the preliminary findings of the Care Post-Roe Study. The report shows how health care providers have been unable to provide the standard of care in states with abortion bans since the Supreme Court struck down Roe v...
