
Contraceptive Challenges Facing Community College Students

Community college students need access to comprehensive reproductive health care to support them in achieving both their educational and reproductive goals. This brief from Beyond the Pill and the Institute for Women's Policy Research highlights barriers to contraceptive access among young people attending community college and outlines policies and programs that can support access. 

A quality improvement scale for contraceptive care

The person-centered contraceptive counseling (PCCC) scale is a quality improvement measure that can be used at the provider or facility level to promote equitable care.

Quality of Contraceptive Counseling scale

The Quality of Contraceptive Counseling scale is now available to download and use in contraceptive care research and programming.

Oops! Emergency Contraception: Birth Control that Works After Sex

Chart showing emergency contraceptive options, including information on how to use each method.

How well does birth control work?

Beyond the Pill partnered with Bedsider to create accessible and eye-catching educational materials for patients and students.
