Sexually transmitted infections

Factors associated with syphilis seroprevalence in women with and at-risk for HIV infection in the Women's Interagency HIV Study (1994-2015).

Sexually transmitted infections

Aaron KJ, Brill I, Causey-Pruitt Z, Murphy K, Augenbraun M, Kassaye S, Milam JE, Seidman D, French AL, Gange SJ, Adimora AA, Sheth AN, Fischl MA, Van Der Pol B, Marrazzo J, Kempf MC, Dionne-Odom J

P728 Correlates of syphilis in women living with and without HIV in the US women’s interagency HIV study (WIHS).

Sexually transmitted infections

Kristal Aaron, Ilene Brill, Zenoria Causey, Kerry Murphy, Michael Augenbraun, Seble Kassaye, Joel Milam, Dominika Seidman, Audrey French, Stephen Gange, Adaora Adimora, Anandi Sheth, Margaret Fischl, Mirjam-Colette Kempf, Jeanne Marrazzo, Barbara Van Der Pol, Jodie Dionne-Odom

002.5 Evaluation of five rapid point-of-care tests for syphilis: two treponemal only, and three dual treponemal/hiv assays.

Sexually transmitted infections

Y Fakile, K Hoover, K Delaney, L Wesolowski, C Asef, Y Sun, I Park, J Chow, J Schapiro, S Novak, S Philip, K Karem

P5.091 Head-Head Comparison of Reactivity and Signal Strength Value For Reactivity Among Seven Treponemal Assays: A Preliminary Report.

Sexually transmitted infections

Y F Fakile, H Jost, S Kikkert, K W Hoover, J M Schapiro, S M Novak-Weekley, J M Chow, I U Park

High prevalence and incidence of human papillomavirus in a cohort of healthy young African female subjects.

Sexually transmitted infections

Watson-Jones D, Baisley K, Brown J, Kavishe B, Andreasen A, Changalucha J, Mayaud P, Kapiga S, Gumodoka B, Hayes RJ, de Sanjosé S

Intravaginal practices among female sex workers in Kibera, Kenya.

Sexually transmitted infections

Gallo MF, Sharma A, Bukusi EA, Njoroge B, Nguti R, Jamieson DJ, Bell AJ, Eschenbach DA

Sex worker health: San Francisco style.

Sexually transmitted infections

Cohan D, Lutnick A, Davidson P, Cloniger C, Herlyn A, Breyer J, Cobaugh C, Wilson D, Klausner J
