The Journal of school nursing : the official publication of the National Association of School Nurses

The Double Bind of School Nurses and Policy Implementation: Intersecting the Street-Level Bureaucracy Framework and Teaching Sexual Health Education.

The Journal of school nursing : the official publication of the National Association of School Nurses

Dickson E, Brindis CD

Impact on Healthy Behaviors of Group Obesity Management Visits in Middle School Health Centers.

The Journal of school nursing : the official publication of the National Association of School Nurses

Schapiro NA, Green EK, Kaller S, Brindis CD, Rodriguez A, Alkebulan-Abakah M, Chen JL

Rates of Exposure to Victimizing Events and Use of Substances Among California's Middle and High School Students.

The Journal of school nursing : the official publication of the National Association of School Nurses

Larson S, Brindis CD, Chapman SA, Spetz J