Global public health

The social, economic, emotional, and physical experiences of caregivers for women with female genital fistula in Uganda: A qualitative study.

Global public health

El Ayadi AM, Mitchell A, Nalubwama H, Miller S, Semere W, Barageine JK, Korn AP, Obore S, Lucas R, Byamugisha J

Persistent disparities in COVID-19-associated impacts on HIV prevention and care among a global sample of sexual and gender minority individuals.

Global public health

Santos GM, Hong C, Wilson N, Nutor JJ, Harris O, Garner A, Holloway I, Ayala G, Howell S

The impacts of contraceptive stock-outs on users, providers, and facilities: A systematic literature review.

Global public health

Zuniga C, Wollum A, Grindlay K, Douglas-Durham E, Higgins S, Barr-Walker J, Blanchard K

Validation of an adapted instrument to measure female genital fistula-related stigma.

Global public health

El Ayadi AM, Barageine JK, Neilands TB, Ryan N, Nalubwama H, Korn A, Turan JM

'I'm waiting for that': Interest in the use of PrEP for safer conception in Botswana.

Global public health

Gutin SA, Harper GW, Amico KR, Bitsang C, Moshashane N, Harries J, Ramogola-Masire D, Morroni C

'These people who dig roots in the forests cannot treat HIV': Women and men in Durban, South Africa, reflect on traditional medicine and antiretroviral drugs.

Global public health

Weintraub A, Mantell JE, Holt K, Street RA, Wilkey C, Dawad S, Masvawure TB, Hoffman S

Intimate partner violence and forced migration during pregnancy: Structural constraints to women's agency.

Global public health

Turan JM, Hatcher AM, Romito P, Mangone E, Durojaiye M, Odero M, Camlin CS
