Evaluation and program planning

Development of an intervention to improve mental health for obstetric fistula patients in Tanzania.

Evaluation and program planning

Watt MH, Wilson SM, Sikkema KJ, Velloza J, Mosha MV, Masenga GG, Bangser M, Browning A, Nyindo PM

Improving the oral health of residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities: an oral health strategy and pilot study.

Evaluation and program planning

Binkley CJ, Johnson KW, Abadi M, Thompson K, Shamblen SR, Young L, Zaksek B

Qualitative evaluation of a Positive Prevention training for health care providers in Mozambique.

Evaluation and program planning

Gutin SA, Cummings B, Jaiantilal P, Johnson K, Mbofana F, Dawson Rose C

Swimming upstream: the challenges and rewards of evaluating efforts to address inequities and reduce health disparities.

Evaluation and program planning

Hughes D, Docto L, Peters J, Lamb AK, Brindis C