BMC public health

Area-level deprivation and preterm birth: cross-sectional results from a national, commercially-insured population

BMC public health

Mehra R, Shebl FM, Cunningham SD, Magriples U, Barrette E, Herrera C, Kozhimannil KB, Ickovics JR

Anal human papillomavirus infection in HIV-positive men and women at two opportunistic infections clinics in Harare, Zimbabwe.

BMC public health

Chinyowa S, Palefsky JM, Chirenje ZM, Makunike-Mutasa R, Munjoma M, Muguti GI

A brief, trauma-informed intervention increases safety behavior and reduces HIV risk for drug-involved women who trade sex.

BMC public health

Decker MR, Tomko C, Wingo E, Sawyer A, Peitzmeier S, Glass N, Sherman SG

Short-term effects of a rights-based sexuality education curriculum for high-school students: a cluster-randomized trial.

BMC public health

Constantine NA, Jerman P, Berglas NF, Angulo-Olaiz F, Chou CP, Rohrbach LA

HIV serostatus and disclosure: implications for infant feeding practice in rural south Nyanza, Kenya.

BMC public health

Onono MA, Cohen CR, Jerop M, Bukusi EA, Turan JM

"Sometimes they used to whisper in our ears": health care workers' perceptions of the effects of abortion legalization in Nepal.

BMC public health

Puri M, Lamichhane P, Harken T, Blum M, Harper CC, Darney PD, Henderson JT
