American journal of perinatology

The Effect of an Oxytocin Decision Support Checklist on Oxytocin Use and Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

American journal of perinatology

Kandahari N, Tucker LY, Raine-Bennett T, Palacios J, Schneider AN, Mohta VJ

Trends and Disparities in Severe Maternal Morbidity Indicator Categories During Childbirth Hospitalization in California from 1997-2017.

American journal of perinatology

El Ayadi AM, Lyndon A, Kan P, Mujahid MS, Main EK, Carmichael S

Racial Disparities in Cesarean Delivery Rates: Do Hospital-Level Factors Matter?

American journal of perinatology

Nicole Teal E, Baer RJ, Jelliffe-Pawlowski L, Mengesha B

Labor Induction Outcomes with Outpatient Misoprostol for Cervical Ripening among Low-Risk Women.

American journal of perinatology

Kandahari N, Schneider AN, Tucker LS, Raine-Bennett TR, Mohta VJ

Racial Disparities in the Rates of and Indications for Cesarean Delivery in California: Are They Changing Over Time?

American journal of perinatology

Teal EN, Anudokem K, Baer RJ, Jelliffe-Pawlowski L, Mengesha B

Changes in care associated with the introduction of a postpartum hemorrhage patient safety program.

American journal of perinatology

Lappen JR, Seidman D, Burke C, Goetz K, Grobman WA

Maternal-fetal medicine subspecialists' provision of second-trimester termination services.

American journal of perinatology

Kerns JL, Steinauer JE, Rosenstein MG, Turk JK, Caughey AB, D'Alton M

The association between body mass index and gestational diabetes mellitus varies by race/ethnicity.

American journal of perinatology

Shah A, Stotland NE, Cheng YW, Ramos GA, Caughey AB