Advancing Delirium Treatment Trials in Older Adults: Recommendations for Future Trials From the Network for Investigation of Delirium: Unifying Scientists (NIDUS)

Devlin JW, Sieber F, Akeju O, Khan BA, MacLullich AMJ, Marcantonio ER, Oh ES, Agar MR, Avelino-Silva TJ, Berger M, Burry L, Colantuoni EA, Evered LA, Girard TD, Han JH, Hosie A, Hughes C, Jones RN, Pandharipande PP, Subramanian B, Travison TG, van den Boogaard M, Inouye SK, on behalf of the Network for Investigation of Delirium. Advancing Delirium Treatment Trials in Older Adults: Recommendations for Future Trials From the Network for Investigation of Delirium: Unifying Scientists (NIDUS). Critical Care Medicine. 2024.


Devlin JW, Sieber F, Akeju O, Khan BA, MacLullich AMJ, Marcantonio ER, Oh ES, Agar MR, Avelino-Silva TJ, Berger M, Burry L, Colantuoni EA, Evered LA, Girard TD, Han JH, Hosie A, Hughes C, Jones RN, Pandharipande PP, Subramanian B, Travison TG, van den Boogaard M, Inouye SK, on behalf of the Network for Investigation of Delirium