Tracy Lin, PhD

Associate Adjunct Professor

Patient Preferences for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Care in South Africa: A Discrete Choice Experiment.

Value in health regional issues

Werner K, Stassen W, Theron E, Wallis LA, Lin TK

The cost-effectiveness of school-based interventions for chronic diseases: a systematic review.

Cost effectiveness and resource allocation : C/E

Lin G, Werner K, Alqunaiebet A, Hamza MM, Alkanhal N, Alsukait RF, Alruwaily A, Rakic S, Cetinkaya V, Herbst CH, Lin TK

Projected impact of population aging on non-communicable disease burden and costs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2020-2030.

BMC health services research

Boettiger DC, Lin TK, Almansour M, Hamza MM, Alsukait R, Herbst CH, Altheyab N, Afghani A, Kattan F

Behavioural economic interventions to reduce health care appointment non-attendance: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

BMC health services research

Werner K, Alsuhaibani SA, Alsukait RF, Alshehri R, Herbst CH, Alhajji M, Lin TK

A novel approach to estimate the impact of health workforce investments on health outcomes through increased coverage of HIV, TB and malaria services.

Human resources for health

Bruckner TA, Lin TK, Liu J, Bornemisza O, Ajuebor O, Diallo K, Cometto G

Emergency care in post-conflict settings: a systematic literature review.

BMC emergency medicine

Werner K, Kak M, Herbst CH, Lin TK

National Oral Health Policy and Financing and Dental Health Status in 19 Countries.

International dental journal

Foote T, Willis L, Lin TK

Quality-Adjusted Life Year Proxies for Caries in Primary Dentition: A Discrete Choice Experiment.

JDR clinical and translational research

Lin TK, Zarate DEA, Iribarren N, Lindau H, Ramos-Gomez F, Gansky SA

The role of community health worker-based care in post-conflict settings: a systematic review.

Health policy and planning

Werner K, Kak M, Herbst CH, Lin TK

Health care worker retention in post-conflict settings: a systematic literature review.

Health policy and planning

Lin TK, Werner K, Kak M, Herbst CH

Indirect COVID-19 health effects and potential mitigating interventions: Cost-effectiveness framework.

PloS one

Maya S, Kahn JG, Lin TK, Jacobs LM, Schmidt LA, Burrough WB, Ghasemzadeh R, Mousli L, Allan M, Donovan M, Barker E, Horvath H, Spetz J, Brindis CD, Malekinejad M

Pathways to food insecurity in the context of conflict: the case of the occupied Palestinian territory.

Conflict and health

Lin TK, Kafri R, Hammoudeh W, Mitwalli S, Jamaluddine Z, Ghattas H, Giacaman R, Leone T

Evaluating predictors of food insecurity among patients with cancer in the safety-net setting.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Ana I. Velazquez Manana, Hala Borno, Evelin Trejo, Sylvia Zhang, Abigail A. Rodriguez Saldana, Ivan C. Leung, Hilary K. Seligman, Tracy Kuo Lin

A Retrospective Global Assessment of Factors Associated With COVID-19 Policies and Health Outcomes.

Frontiers in public health

Choi AJ, Hean AC, Lee JK, Tran ND, Lin TK, Apollonio DE

Individual performance-based incentives for health care workers in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development member countries: a systematic literature review.

Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Lin TK, Werner K, Witter S, Alluhidan M, Alghaith T, Hamza MM, Herbst CH, Alazemi N

Implementation of a Multisite Financial Reimbursement Program in Cancer Clinical Trials Integrated With Patient Navigation: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial.

JCO oncology practice

Borno HT, Zhang L, Zhang S, Lin TK, Skafel A, Nieves E, Dornsife D, Johnson R, Rhoads K, Small E, Spicer D

Evaluating the impact of financial toxicity among cancer clinical trial participants.

International Journal of Cancer Care and Delivery

Hala T. Borno, Sylvia Zhang, Tracy Kuo Lin, Li Zhang, Nynikka R. Palmer, Christopher Nguyen, Celia Kaplan, Charles J. Ryan

Projecting health labor market dynamics for a health system in transition: planning for a resilient health workforce in Saudi Arabia.

Globalization and health

Lin TK, Bruckner TA, Alghaith T, Hamza MM, Alluhidan M, Herbst CH, Alghodaier H, Alamri A, Saber R, Alazemi N, Liu JX

Accelerating cancer clinical trial recruitment through a financial reimbursement program integrated with patient navigation: an interrupted time series analysis.

Journal of cancer policy

Borno HT, Lin TK, Zhang S, Skafel A, Lalanne A, Dornsife D, Johnson R, Spicer D, Small EJ, Rhoads KF

Broad inclusion leads to maximal value – examining travel costs associated with clinical trial participation.

Hala T. Borno, Sylvia Zhang, Elena Nieves, Dana Dornsife, Robert Johnson, Darcy Spicer, Tracy K. Lin

Food insecurity in the context of conflict: analysis of survey data in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Lancet (London, England)

Lin TK, Kafri R, Hammoudeh W, Mitwalli S, Jamaluddine Z, Ghattas H, Giacaman R, Leone T

Relationship between symptoms, barriers to care and healthcare utilisation among children under five in rural Mali.

Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH

Treleaven E, Whidden C, Cole F, Kayentao K, Traoré MB, Diakité D, Sidibé S, Lin TK, Boettiger D, Cissouma S, Sanogo V, Padian N, Johnson A, Liu J

Assessing Clinician Attitudes and Beliefs Around Financial Toxicity Screening in Medical Oncology Clinic

Journal of Clinical Pathways

Sylvia T. Zhang, Errol J. Philip, Nichole Legaspi, Lucky Ding, Tracy Kuo Lin, Hala T. Borno

A needs-based methodology to project physicians and nurses to 2030: the case of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Human resources for health

Gailey S, Bruckner TA, Lin TK, Liu JX, Alluhidan M, Alghaith T, Alghodaier H, Tashkandi N, Herbst CH, Hamza MM, Alazemi N

The costs of delivering emergency care at regional referral hospitals in Uganda: a micro-costing study.

BMC health services research

Werner K, Lin TK, Risko N, Osiro M, Kalanzi J, Wallis L

Liposomal Bupivacaine Decreases Postoperative Length of Stay and Opioid Use in Patients Undergoing Radical Cystectomy.


Chu CE, Law L, Zuniga K, Lin TK, Tsourounis C, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Lazar A, Washington SL, Cooperberg MR, Greene KL, Carroll PR, Pruthi RS, Meng MV, Chen LL, Porten SP

Evaluating determinants of receipt of molecular imaging in biochemical recurrent prostate cancer.

Cancer medicine

Borno HT, Kuo Lin T, Odisho AY, Desai A, Koshkin V, Werner K, Legaspi N, Bucknor M, Bell A, Zhang S, Hope TA

Family monetary incentives as a value-based care model for oral hygiene: rationale and design of the BEhavioral EConomics for Oral health iNnovation (BEECON) trial.

Journal of public health dentistry

Ramos-Gomez F, White JS, Lindau HE, Lin TK, Finlayson TL, Liu JX, Gansky SA

Disparities in PET Imaging for Prostate Cancer at a Tertiary Academic Medical Center.

Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine

Bucknor MD, Lichtensztajn DY, Lin TK, Borno HT, Gomez SL, Hope TA

Development of a theory-driven implementation strategy for cancer management guidelines in sub-Saharan Africa.

Implementation science communications

DeBoer RJ, Ndumbalo J, Meena S, Ngoma MT, Mvungi N, Siu S, Selekwa M, Nyagabona SK, Luhar R, Buckle G, Lin TK, Breithaupt L, Kennell-Heiling S, Mushi B, Philipo GS, Mmbaga EJ, Mwaiselage J, Van Loon K

Financial Impact of Alternative Pricing Benchmarks for Physician-Dispensed Drugs in the California Workers' Compensation System.

Applied health economics and health policy

Wilson L, Turkistani F, Tran DM, Huang W, Lin TK

Implementation of Guideline-Based Clinical Practice at Ocean Road Cancer Institute in Tanzania.

Journal of Global Oncology

Rebecca J. DeBoer, Jerry Ndumbalo, Geoffrey Buckle, Stephen Meena, Tracy Lin, Msiba Selekwa, Stella Aguinaga Bialous, Nazima Dharsee, Gabrielle Purcell, Beatrice Moshi, Li Zhang, Elia Mmbaga, Katherine Van Loon, Julius Mwaiselage

A gray area for reimbursement: medical foods for non-inborn errors of metabolism.

The American journal of managed care

Wilson L, Lin TK, Oh A, Cao V

Understanding patients' preferences for surgical management of urethral stricture disease.

World journal of urology

Hampson LA, Lin TK, Wilson L, Allen IE, Gaither TW, Breyer BN

Evaluation of the ASCO Value Framework for Anticancer Drugs at an Academic Medical Center.

Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy

Wilson L, Lin T, Wang L, Patel T, Tran D, Kim S, Dacey K, Yuen C, Kroon L, Brodowy B, Rodondi K

Use of Conjoint Analysis to Determine Patient Preferences for Surgical Treatment of Urethral Stricture Disease.

Journal of participatory medicine

Wilson L, Lin TK, Hampson LA, Oh A, Ting J, Gaither T, Allen I, Breyer BN

Patient-centered Treatment Decisions for Urethral Stricture: Conjoint Analysis Improves Surgical Decision-making.


Hampson LA, Allen IE, Gaither TW, Lin T, Ting J, Osterberg EC, Wilson L, Breyer BN


Journal of Urology

Lindsay A. Hampson, Tracy Lin, Leslie Wilson, Isabel Allen, Thomas Gaither, Benjamin N. Breyer