Sneha Challa, PhD, MPH

Research Analyst
Institute for Health & Aging

Sneha Challa is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Health and Aging at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Dr. Challa obtained her PhD in Public Health with a concentration in Global Health from the University of California San Diego and San Diego State University. She obtained her MPH from the University of Michigan in Health Behavior and Health Education with a concentration in Global Health. Her research interests include studying the impact of gender norms on sexual and reproductive health (SRH). This interest is inspired by the women in her life who fought to overcome traditional gender norms to achieve their educational, professional, and health goals. In her work she aims to mitigate stigma and create an enabling environment for people to freely discuss and make choices about sex, contraception, and reproductive wellbeing throughout the life course. Dr. Challa's current work focuses improving: 1) person-centered, rights-based measurement in SRH, 2) SRH access for women navigating the menopausal transition, and 3) representation of South Asians in SRH research in the US. Dr. Challa has conducted work in Ghana, Niger, Uganda, Nigeria, and the US to understand normative and interpersonal influences on SRH.


Validation of the Contraception-Focused Preference-Aligned Fertility Management Index in Uganda and Nigeria.


Holt K, Gomez R, Amongin D, Omoluabi E, Chung S, Birabwa C, Dimowo S, Challa S, Waiswa P, Idiodi I, Phillips B, Nanono S, Jegede A, Liu J, Wasswa R, Nmadu G, Okoli C, Tijani A, Galavotti C

Women's Perspectives on the Unique Benefits and Challenges of Self-Injectable Contraception: A Four-Country In-Depth Interview Study in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Studies in family planning

Himes E, Suchman L, Kamanga M, Birabwa C, Gitome S, Omoluabi E, Okumu S, Nmadu G, Kwena Z, Liu J, Challa S, Amongin D, Wekesa P, Ndunyu L, Bukusi E, Malata A, Atuyambe L, Nyando M, Okoli C, Tijani A, Vallin J, Jegede A, Dimowo S, Maluwa A, Alitubeera P, Kaudha B, Kayego A, Jumbe T, Mtalimanja I, Waiswa P, Phillips B, Holt K

Mediating effects of inequitable gender norms on intimate partner violence and contraceptive use in a cluster randomized control trial in Niger.

American journal of epidemiology

Boyce SC, Minnis AM, Deardorff J, McCoy SI, Goin DE, Challa S, Johns NE, Aliou S, Brooks MI, Nouhou AM, Baker H, Silverman JG

Conceptualizing Contraceptive Agency: A Critical Step to Enable Human Rights-Based Family Planning Programs and Measurement.

Global health, science and practice

Holt K, Challa S, Alitubeera P, Atuyambe L, Dehlendorf C, Galavotti C, Idiodi I, Jegede A, Omoluabi E, Waiswa P, Upadhyay U

Measuring social norms of intimate partner violence to exert control over wife agency, sexuality, and reproductive autonomy: an item response modelling of the IPV-ASRA scale.

Reproductive health

Boyce SC, Minnis AM, Deardorff J, McCoy SI, Challa S, Johns N, Aliou S, Brooks M, Nouhou AM, Gochyyev P, Wilson M, Baker H, Silverman JG

Preference-Aligned Fertility Management as a Person-Centered Alternative to Contraceptive Use-Focused Measures.

Studies in family planning

Holt K, Galavotti C, Omoluabi E, Challa S, Waiswa P, Liu J

Associations between spousal gender equity and recent unintended pregnancy among married adolescent girls and their husbands in rural Niger.

African Journal of Reproductive Health

Fonseka RW, DeLong SM, Shakya HB, Challa S, Brooks MI, Silverman JG

Sustained impact of community-based interventions on contraceptive use among married adolescent girls in rural Niger: Results from a cluster randomized controlled trial.

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Erhardt-Ohren B, Brooks M, Aliou S, Osseni AA, Oumarou A, Challa S, Tomar S, Johns N, Silverman J

Associations of spousal communication with contraceptive method use among adolescent wives and their husbands in Niger.

PloS one

Challa S, Shakya HB, Carter N, Boyce SC, Brooks MI, Aliou S, Silverman JG

Protocol for cluster randomized evaluation of reaching married adolescents - a gender-synchronized intervention to increase modern contraceptive use among married adolescent girls and young women and their husbands in Niger.

Reproductive health

Challa S, DeLong SM, Carter N, Johns N, Shakya H, Boyce SC, Vera-Monroy R, Aliou S, Ibrahima FA, Brooks MI, Corneliess C, Moodie C, Nouhou AM, Souley I, Raj A, Silverman JG

Multiple levels of social influence on adolescent sexual and reproductive health decision-making and behaviors in Ghana.

Women & health

Challa S, Manu A, Morhe E, Dalton VK, Loll D, Dozier J, Zochowski MK, Boakye A, Adanu R, Hall KS

Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Stigma: Results From Young Women in Ghana.

Journal of sex research

Hall KS, Manu A, Morhe E, Harris LH, Loll D, Ela E, Kolenic G, Dozier JL, Challa S, Zochowski MK, Boakye A, Adanu R, Dalton VK

"I don't know enough to feel comfortable using them:" Women's knowledge of and perceived barriers to long-acting reversible contraceptives on a college campus.


Hall KS, Ela E, Zochowski MK, Caldwell A, Moniz M, McAndrew L, Steel M, Challa S, Dalton VK, Ernst S