Salish Harrison

Project Policy Analyst IV
Institute for Health Policy Studies

Salish Harrison is a policy analyst at the Institute for Health Policy Studies at the University of California, San Francisco. He works on the evaluation team of several projects focused on youth sexual and reproductive health throughout the state of California. Currently he is part of the evaluation team for State of California’s PREP activities and is part of the designing of a sexual health intervention that combines traditional classroom instruction with wraparound digital technologies as part of a PREIS grant. Prior to working with UCSF, he was a health educator with Fresno Economic Health Opportunities Commission.


Using Collective Impact to Advance Birth Equity: A Comparison of Two Cross-Sector Efforts in California.

Maternal and child health journal

Decker MJ, Price M, Harrison S, Spellen S, Hutchings N, Martinez E, Rutman SP, Shaver A, Franck LS, Brindis CD, Fuchs J

Educators' Perspectives on Integrating Technology Into Sexual Health Education: Implementation Study.

JMIR human factors

Decker MJ, Harrison S, Price M, Gutmann-Gonzalez A, Yarger J, Tenney R
