Lauren Ralph, MPH, PhD

Ob/Gyn, Reproductive Sciences
+1 415 353-4664

The Association of Experiences of Medical Mistrust and Mistreatment and Ever Considering Self-Managing an Abortion.


Adler A, Antonia Biggs M, Kaller S, Schroeder R, Prata N, Scott K, Ralph L

Self-Managed Abortion Attempts Before vs After Changes in Federal Abortion Protections in the US.

JAMA network open

Ralph L, Schroeder R, Kaller S, Grossman D, Biggs MA

Comparison of No-Test Telehealth and In-Person Medication Abortion.


Ralph LJ, Baba CF, Biggs MA, McNicholas C, Hagstrom Miller A, Grossman D

24. A Qualitative Analysis of Young People’s Experiences With Self-Managed Abortion.

Journal of Adolescent Health

Lauren Ralph, M. Antonia Biggs, Katherine Ehrenreich

Support for criminalization of self-managed abortion (SMA): A national representative survey.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Biggs MA, Becker A, Schroeder R, Kaller S, Scott K, Grossman D, Raifman S, Ralph L

Access to Reproductive Health Services Among People With Disabilities.

JAMA network open

Biggs MA, Schroeder R, Casebolt MT, Laureano BI, Wilson-Beattie RL, Ralph LJ, Kaller S, Adler A, Gichane MW



A Adler, MA Biggs, S Kaller, R Schroeder, N Prata, KA Scott, L Ralph



LJ Ralph, K Ehrenreich, S Kaller, T Guruzada, MA Biggs, D Hauser, N Kapp, T Kromenaker, G Moayedi, J Pinckney Gil, JB Perritt, E Raymond, D Taylor, K White, S Williams, D Grossman



LJ Ralph, I Muñoz, D Greene Foster, H Gould, C Rocca

Adolescents and Abortion Restrictions: Disproportionate Burdens and Critical Warnings.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ralph L, Hasselbacher L

Awareness of medication abortion among a nationally representative U.S. sample, 2021-2022.


Kaller S, Upadhyay UD, Ralph LJ, Schroeder R, Biggs MA

Commentary: The Turnaway Study: A case of self-correction in science upended by political motivation and unvetted findings.

Frontiers in psychology

Biggs A, Foster DG, Gould H, Kimport K, Ralph L, Roberts S, Rocca C, Sisson G, Upadhyay U, Woodruff K

O14Pregnancy and abortion: A longitudinal study of the predictive ability of people's desire to avoid pregnancy.


CH Rocca, I Muñoz, E Gonzalez, H Gould, DG Foster, I Orellana Bonilla, L Ralph

P029Barriers to abortion and timing of presentation for care.


JA Mackinnon Krems, L Ralph, D Grossman, K Ehrenreich

Accuracy of Self-Assessment of Gestational Duration Among People Seeking Abortion.

Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey

Lauren J. Ralph, Katherine Ehrenreich, Rana Barar, M. Antonia Biggs, Natalie Morris, Kelly Blanchard, Nathalie Kapp, Ghazaleh Moayedi, Jamila Perritt, Elizabeth G. Raymond, Kari White, Daniel Grossman

Comparison of Pregnancy Preferences Preceding vs Year 1 of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

JAMA network open

Rocca CH, Parra M, Muñoz I, Foster DG, Boscardin WJ, Ralph LJ

Comprehension of an Over-the-Counter Drug Facts Label Prototype for a Mifepristone and Misoprostol Medication Abortion Product.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Biggs MA, Ehrenreich K, Morris N, Blanchard K, Bustamante CK, Choimorrow SY, Hauser D, Hernandez Y, Kapp N, Kromenaker T, Moayedi G, Perritt JB, Ralph L, Raymond EG, Valladares ES, White K, Grossman D

Systematic Review of Interventions Addressing Food Insecurity in Pregnant Women and New Mothers.

Current nutrition reports

McKay FH, Spiteri S, Zinga J, Sulemani K, Jacobs SE, Ranjan N, Ralph L, Raeburn E, Threlfall S, Bergmeier ML, van der Pligt P

Comprehension of an Over-the-counter Drug Facts Label Prototype for a Mifepristone and Misoprostol Medication Abortion Product.


M.A. Biggs, K. Ehrenreich, N. Morris, K. Blanchard, C.K. Bustamante, S.Y. Choimorrow, D. Hauser, Y. Hernandez, N. Kapp, T. Kromenaker, G. Moayedi, J. Perritt, L. Ralph, E. Raymond, E. Valladares, K. White, D. Grossman

A cross-sectional survey of U.S. abortion patients' interest in obtaining medication abortion over the counter.


Biggs MA, Ralph L, Morris N, Ehrenreich K, Perritt J, Kapp N, Blanchard K, White K, Barar R, Grossman D

Accuracy of self-assessment of gestational duration among people seeking abortion.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Ralph LJ, Ehrenreich K, Barar R, Biggs MA, Morris N, Blanchard K, Kapp N, Moayedi G, Perritt J, Raymond EG, White K, Grossman D

Abortion Waiting Periods and Decision Certainty Among People Searching Online for Abortion Care.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Jovel I, Cartwright AF, Ralph L, Upadhyay UD

Exploring Attitudes About the Legality of Self-Managed Abortion in the US: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey.

Sexuality Research and Social Policy

Sarah Raifman, M. Antonia Biggs, Lauren Ralph, Katherine Ehrenreich, Daniel Grossman

Abortion method preference among people presenting for abortion care.


Wingo E, Ralph LJ, Kaller S, Biggs MA

Prevalence of Self-Managed Abortion Among Women of Reproductive Age in the United States.

JAMA network open

Ralph L, Foster DG, Raifman S, Biggs MA, Samari G, Upadhyay U, Gerdts C, Grossman D

Reasons for and Logistical Burdens of Judicial Bypass for Abortion in Illinois.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ralph LJ, Chaiten L, Werth E, Daniel S, Brindis CD, Biggs MA

P8 ‘Abortion patients’ interest in obtaining medication abortion over-the-counter (OTC).


M.A. Biggs, L. Ralph, N. Morris, K. Ehrenreich, J. Perritt, N. Kapp, E. Raymond, D. Grossman

Chapter 5. The Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young Latino Males Living in the United States.

M. Antonia Biggs, Claire D. Brindis, Lauren Ralph, John Santelli

Comparing Prospective and Retrospective Reports of Pregnancy Intention in a Longitudinal Cohort of U.S. Women.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Ralph LJ, Foster DG, Rocca CH

The effect of receiving versus being denied an abortion on making and achieving aspirational 5-year life plans.

BMJ sexual & reproductive health

McCarthy MA, Upadhyay U, Ralph L, Biggs MA, Foster DG

ECHO: context and limitations.

Lancet (London, England)

Gollub EL, Stein Z, van de Wijgert JHHM, Jones H, Ralph L, Padian N

ECHO: context and limitations.

Lancet (London, England)

Jewell BL, Smith JA, Padian NS, van de Wijgert JHHM, Gollub EL, Jones HE, Ralph LJ, Hallett TB

Physical Health of Women After Seeking Abortion Services.

Annals of internal medicine

Ralph LJ, Schwarz EB, Grossman D, Foster DG

Pregnancy preferences and contraceptive use among US women.


Samari G, Foster DG, Ralph LJ, Rocca CH

A Prospective Cohort Study of the Effect of Receiving versus Being Denied an Abortion on Educational Attainment.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Ralph LJ, Mauldon J, Biggs MA, Foster DG

Hormonal Contraceptives and the Acquisition of Sexually Transmitted Infections: An Updated Systematic Review.

Sexually transmitted diseases

McCarthy KJ, Gollub EL, Ralph L, van de Wijgert J, Jones HE

The Need for Policy Change Regarding Progestin-Only Injectable Contraceptives.

Journal of women's health (2002)

Gollub EL, Jones HE, Ralph LJ, van de Wijgert JHHM, Padian N, Stein Z

Unintended pregnancy and subsequent postpartum long-acting reversible contraceptive use in Zimbabwe.

BMC women's health

Nance N, Ralph L, Padian N, Cowan F, Buzdugan R, Mushavi A, Mahomva A, McCoy SI

Lifetime prevalence of self-induced abortion among a nationally representative sample of U.S. women.


D Grossman, L Ralph, S Raifman, U Upadhyay, C Gerdts, A Biggs, DG Foster

Socioeconomic Outcomes of Women Who Receive and Women Who Are Denied Wanted Abortions in the United States.

American journal of public health

Foster DG, Biggs MA, Ralph L, Gerdts C, Roberts S, Glymour MM

The Impact of a Parental Notification Requirement on Illinois Minors' Access to and Decision-Making Around Abortion.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ralph LJ, King E, Belusa E, Foster DG, Brindis CD, Biggs MA

Do 72-Hour Waiting Periods and Two-Visit Requirements for Abortion Affect Women's Certainty? A Prospective Cohort Study.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Roberts SCM, Belusa E, Turok DK, Combellick S, Ralph L

Adoption Decision Making among Women Seeking Abortion.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Sisson G, Ralph L, Gould H, Foster DG

Measuring decisional certainty among women seeking abortion.


Ralph LJ, Foster DG, Kimport K, Turok D, Roberts SCM

Adoption decision making after being denied a wanted abortion.


G Sisson, H Gould, L Ralph, D Foster

Which women are missed by primary health-care based interventions for alcohol and drug use?

Addictive behaviors

Roberts SC, Ralph LJ, Wilsnack SC, Foster DG

Hormonal contraceptive use and women's risk of HIV acquisition: priorities emerging from recent data.

Current opinion in obstetrics & gynecology

Ralph LJ, Gollub EL, Jones HE

Hormonal contraceptive use and women's risk of HIV acquisition: a meta-analysis of observational studies.

The Lancet. Infectious diseases

Ralph LJ, McCoy SI, Shiu K, Padian NS

Unmet need for family planning, contraceptive failure, and unintended pregnancy among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women in Zimbabwe.

PloS one

McCoy SI, Buzdugan R, Ralph LJ, Mushavi A, Mahomva A, Hakobyan A, Watadzaushe C, Dirawo J, Cowan FM, Padian NS

Research on hormonal contraception and HIV - Authors' reply.

Lancet (London, England)

Ralph L, McCoy S, Hallett T, Padian N

The role of parents and partners in minors' decisions to have an abortion and anticipated coping after abortion.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ralph L, Gould H, Baker A, Foster DG

Next steps for research on hormonal contraception and HIV.

Lancet (London, England)

Ralph LJ, McCoy SI, Hallett T, Padian N

Limited socioeconomic opportunities and Latina teen childbearing: a qualitative study of family and structural factors affecting future expectations.

Journal of immigrant and minority health

Minnis AM, Marchi K, Ralph L, Biggs MA, Combellick S, Arons A, Brindis CD, Braveman P

Critical junctures: assuring healthy outcomes for adolescents in the new millennium.

Adolescent medicine: state of the art reviews

Brindis CD, Ralph LJ

Finding Teens in TheirSpace: Using Social Networking Sites to Connect Youth to Sexual Health Services.

Sexuality Research and Social Policy

Lauren J. Ralph, Nancy F. Berglas, Sarah L. Schwartz, Claire D. Brindis

Factors Associated With Delayed Childbearing: From the Voices of Expectant Latina Adults and Teens in California.

Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences

M. Antonia Biggs, Lauren Ralph, Alexandra M. Minnis, Abigail Arons, Kristen S. Marchi, Jocelyn A. Lehrer, Paula A. Braveman, Claire D. Brindis

Family planning and life planning reproductive intentions among individuals seeking reproductive health care.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Foster DG, Biggs MA, Ralph LJ, Arons A, Brindis CD

Trends in knowledge of emergency contraception among women in California, 1999-2004.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Foster DG, Ralph LJ, Arons A, Brindis CD, Harper CC

Critical Junctures.

Claire D. Brindis, Lauren J. Ralph