Jennifer James, PhD, MS, MSW

Assoc Professor in Residence
Institute for Health & Aging
+1 415 502-3294

"By the Time We Knew …": Poetic Analysis of End-of-Life Caregiving Experiences for Rapidly Progressive and Slower-Duration Dementia Syndromes.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Harrison KL, Morgan BE, Friend J, Garrett SB, Looi D, Halim M, James JE, Boyd ND, Gilissen J, Geschwind MD, Ritchie CS, Smith AK

Threats to Women's Health in Prisons and Jails.

JAMA internal medicine

Haber LA, James JE, Williams BA

Moving toward Equity through Embedded ELSI Ethnography.

The Hastings Center report

James JE, Riddle L, Koenig B, Joseph G

Receiving a pathogenic variant in a population breast cancer screening trial: a mixed method study.

Public health genomics

Riddle L, James JE, Naeim A, Madlensky L, Brain S, De Rosa D, Eklund M, Fiscalini AS, Heditsian D, Koenig B, Ross K, Sabacan LP, Tong B, Wenger N, Joseph G

“Mammograms are kind of my pacifier”: The cultural context of women’s preference for annual mammograms in a risk-based screening cohort

SSM-Qualitative Research in Health

Katherine Leggat-Barr, Galen Joseph, Leslie Riddle, Mikaella Caruncho, Barbara Koenig, Jennifer E. James

Race-Ethnicity, Rurality, and Age in Prospective Preferences and Concerns Regarding Closed-Loop Implanted Neural Devices.

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences

Chen BB, Haeusermann T, Dada A, Hamilton RH, James JE, Fong KC, Dohan D, Chiong W

Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Bioethics: Recommendations from the Association of Bioethics Program Directors Presidential Task Force.

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB

Lee SS, Walker A, Callier SL, Fletcher FE, Galarneau C, Garrison N, James JE, McLeod-Sordjan R, Ogbogu U, Sederstrom N, Smith PT, Braddock CH, Mitchell C

Caregiver Experiences of Racialization While Accessing Early Intervention (EI) Services for their Children

Topics in Early Childhood Special Education

Jessa N. Culver, MS, Susanne P. Martin Herz, MD, PhD, Adriana Guzman, BA, Javier Aguayo, BA, Jyothi Marbin, MD, Kenya Martinez, BA, and Jennifer James, PhD, MS, MSW

A qualitative study of primary care clinician's approach to ending cervical cancer screening in older women in the United States.

Preventive medicine reports

Holt HK, Flores R, James JE, Waters C, Kaplan CP, Peterson CE, Sawaya GF

Bonaparte AD, Oparah J, editors. Birthing Justice Black Women, Pregnancy, and Childbirth

Sheltering in Community: Reimagining Black Birth during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

James JE, Roane A, Oparah JC

The role of polygenic risk scores in breast cancer risk perception and decision-making.

Journal of community genetics

Riddle L, Joseph G, Caruncho M, Koenig BA, James JE

Correction to: Black Bioethics in the Age of Black Lives Matter.

The Journal of medical humanities

Ray K, Fletcher FE, Martschenko DO, James JE

Hospice Quality, Race, and Disenrollment in Hospice Enrollees With Dementia.

Journal of palliative medicine

Hunt LJ, Gan S, Smith AK, Aldridge MD, Boscardin WJ, Harrison KL, James JE, Lee AK, Yaffe K

Black Bioethics in the Age of Black Lives Matter.

The Journal of medical humanities

Ray K, Fletcher FE, Martschenko DO, James JE

COVID-19 and the reimaging of compassionate release.

International journal of prisoner health

James JE, Foe M, Desai R, Rangan A, Price M

Guest editorial

International journal of prisoner health

Nickolas Zaller, Lisa Barry, Jane Dorotik, Jennifer James, Andrea K. Knittel, Fernando Murillo, Stephanie Grace Prost and Brie Williams

The Association Between Race and Place of Death Among Persons With Dementia.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Mayan I, Yaffe K, James J, Hunt LJ

Race, Racism, and Bioethics: Are We Stuck?

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB

James JE

Pre-Appointment Nurse Navigation: Patient-Centered Findings From a Survey of Patients With Breast Cancer.

Clinical journal of oncology nursing

Wang T, Huilgol YS, Black J, D'Andrea C, James J, Northrop A, Belkora J, Esserman LJ

A Second Chance at Health

IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics

Jennifer Elyse James

Corrigendum: Creativity, Resilience and Resistance: Black Birthworkers' Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Frontiers in sociology

Oparah JC, James JE, Barnett D, Jones LM, Melbourne D, Peprah S, Walker JA

Creativity, Resilience and Resistance: Black Birthworkers' Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Frontiers in sociology

Oparah JC, James JE, Barnett D, Jones LM, Melbourne D, Peprah S, Walker JA

Beyond Seeing Race: Centering Racism and Acknowledging Agency Within Bioethics.

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB

James JE, Iacopetti CL

In Z. Luna & W. Pirtle (Eds.), Black Feminist Sociology

Black Feminist Epistemological Methodology: Bridging Theory and Methods to Research Health and Illness.

Jennifer E. James

Regimes of Patienthood: Developing an Intersectional Concept to Theorize Illness Experiences

Engaging Science, Technology, and Society

Kelly Ann Joyce, Jennifer E James, Melanie Jeske

What Impact Do Chaplains Have? A Pilot Study of Spiritual AIM for Advanced Cancer Patients in Outpatient Palliative Care.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Kestenbaum A, Shields M, James J, Hocker W, Morgan S, Karve S, Rabow MW, Dunn LB

Black Women with Advanced Cancer and the Challenge of Biomedicine: A Black Feminist Methodological Exploration of the Lived Experience of Terminal Illness

Black Women with Advanced Cancer and the Challenge of Biomedicine: A Black Feminist Methodological Exploration of the Lived Experience of Terminal Illness

Jennifer E. James

"Taking your place at the table": an autoethnographic study of chaplains' participation on an interdisciplinary research team.

BMC palliative care

Kestenbaum A, James J, Morgan S, Shields M, Hocker W, Rabow M, Dunn LB