Janelli Vallin

Project Manager

Janelli Vallin is the Senior Project Manager for Innovations for Choice and Autonomy (ICAN), a four year implementation research project in Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Uganda that aims to optimize approaches to implementing self-injection of DMPA-SC. She oversees the project management of the Malawi human-centered design workstream and Kenya program evaluation. She received her MSc in Global Health Sciences from UCSF and her BA in Public Health from UC Berkeley. She has an extensive background in qualitative global sexual and reproductive health research and is passionate about reproductive justice.


Women's Perspectives on the Unique Benefits and Challenges of Self-Injectable Contraception: A Four-Country In-Depth Interview Study in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Studies in family planning

Himes E, Suchman L, Kamanga M, Birabwa C, Gitome S, Omoluabi E, Okumu S, Nmadu G, Kwena Z, Liu J, Challa S, Amongin D, Wekesa P, Ndunyu L, Bukusi E, Malata A, Atuyambe L, Nyando M, Okoli C, Tijani A, Vallin J, Jegede A, Dimowo S, Maluwa A, Alitubeera P, Kaudha B, Kayego A, Jumbe T, Mtalimanja I, Waiswa P, Phillips B, Holt K

Individual empowerment and community norm effects of engaging young husbands in reproductive health in rural India: findings from a pilot study.

Reproductive health

Diamond-Smith N, Vaishnav Y, Choudhary U, Sharma P, Kachhwaha A, Panjalingam T, Vallin J, Das D, Gopalakrishnan L

Individual empowerment and community norm effects of engaging young husbands in reproductive health in rural India: findings from a pilot study.

Research square

Diamond-Smith N, Vaishnav Y, Choudhary U, Sharma P, Kachhwaha A, Panjalingam T, Vallin J, Das D, Gopalakrishnan L

Many Cooks in the Kitchen: Iterating a Qualitative Analysis Process Across Multiple Countries, Sites, and Teams.

Global health, science and practice

Suchman L, Gitome S, Nyando M, Kwena ZA, Wekesa P, Okumu S, Ndunyu L, Okoli C, Tijani A, Jegede A, Idiodi I, Nmadu G, Dimowo S, Maluwa A, Atuyambe L, Birabwa C, Alitubeera P, Kaudha B, Kayego A, Jumbe T, Mtalimanja I, Vallin J, Sinha E, Phillips BS, Amongin D, Bukusi E, Holt K, Kamanga M, Liu J, Malata A, Omoluabi E, Waiswa P

Analyzing fast and slow: Combining traditional and rapid qualitative analysis to meet multiple objectives of a complex transnational study.

Frontiers in sociology

Suchman L, Omoluabi E, Kramer J, Vallin J, Sedlander E, Gitome S, Wekesa P, Kwena Z, Granovsky R, Kayego A, Kaudha B, Atuyambe L, Amongin D, Alitubeera P, Tijani A, Okoli C, Jegede A, Kamanga M, Nyando M, Ndunyu L, Holt K, ICAN Research Consortium

International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) 2022

Attention online shoppers! Utilizing a human-centered design approach to identify intervention opportunities to improve contraceptive access through an e-commerce platform in Kenya.

Vallin J, Wekesa P, Kramer J, Gitome S, Himes E, Liu J, ICAN-Kenya. Oral presentation.
