Erica Sedlander, DrPH, MPH

Assistant Professor
Social and Behavioral Sciences, Institute for Health and Aging

Dr. Sedlander is an Assistant Professor and Social and Behavioral Scientist. Her research portfolio seeks to uncover mechanisms to help women achieve their reproductive goals throughout the life course (from pregnancy prevention to infertility prevention).

Dr. Sedlander developed and validated the G-NORM, a gender norms scale, in India, Nepal, and Uganda. As part of her dissertation, Dr. Sedlander and colleagues also implemented and evaluated a randomized controlled trial in India to improve nutritional behaviors among women using a social norms approach.

In her prior research in Kenya and Ethiopia, she used mixed methods (including social network analysis) to show that women were not using contraception because they (or people in their networks) believed it would make them infertile, which is highly stigmatized. These findings inspired her to examine infertility more closely. She is currently studying beliefs about infertility among men, women, and providers in Tanzania. Given that couples living with HIV have higher rates of infertility but antiretroviral therapy (ART) improves their chances of getting pregnant, she is also studying perceptions about how HIV and ART affect their ability to get pregnant to inform a future ART adherence intervention.


Adaptation of the G-NORM (Gender norms scale) in Uganda: An examination of how gender norms are associated with reproductive health decision-making.

PloS one

Sedlander E, Granovsky R, Birabwa C, Amongin D, Wasswa R, Diamond-Smith N, Waiswa P, Holt K, Bingenheimer JB

The Effects of the RANI Project on 6-Month Physical Activity Among Women Living in Rural India: A Randomized-Controlled Trial.

Women's health reports (New Rochelle, N.Y.)

DiPietro L, Bingenheimer J, Talegawkar SA, Sedlander E, Yilma H, Pradhan P, Rimal RN

Interpersonal Communication Strategies to Increase Iron-Folic Acid Supplement Consumption: Reduction in Anemia Through Normative Innovations (RANI) Project.

Journal of health communication

Ganjoo R, Rimal RN, Bingenheimer J, Sedlander E, Jin Y, Talegawkar SA, Pant I, Aluc A, Yilma H, Panda B

Concern that contraception affects future fertility: How common is this concern among young people and does it stop them from using contraception?

Contraception: X

Watson A, Yarger J, Sedlander E, Urbina J, Hopkins K, Rodriguez MI, Fuentes L, Harper CC

The role of social norms on adolescent family planning in rural Kilifi county, Kenya.

PloS one

Lahiri S, Bingenheimer J, Sedlander E, Munar W, Rimal R

Analyzing fast and slow: Combining traditional and rapid qualitative analysis to meet multiple objectives of a complex transnational study.

Frontiers in sociology

Suchman L, Omoluabi E, Kramer J, Vallin J, Sedlander E, Gitome S, Wekesa P, Kwena Z, Granovsky R, Kayego A, Kaudha B, Atuyambe L, Amongin D, Alitubeera P, Tijani A, Okoli C, Jegede A, Kamanga M, Nyando M, Ndunyu L, Holt K, ICAN Research Consortium

Adapting and Validating the G-NORM (Gender Norms Scale) in Nepal: An Examination of How Gender Norms Are Associated with Agency and Reproductive Health Outcomes.

Studies in family planning

Sedlander E, Dahal M, Bingenheimer JB, Puri MC, Rimal RN, Granovsky R, Diamond-Smith NG

Monitor to innovate with feedback loops: process evaluation protocol for an anemia prevention intervention.

Gates open research

Pant I, Patro L, Sedlander E, Chandrana S, Rimal R

The G-NORM Scale: Development and Validation of a Theory-Based Gender Norms Scale.

Sex roles

Sedlander E, Bingenheimer JB, Long MW, Swain M, Rimal RN

mHealth for Anemia Reduction: Protocol for an Entertainment Education-Based Dual Intervention.

JMIR research protocols

Pant I, Rimal R, Yilma H, Bingenheimer J, Sedlander E, Behera S

Dietary Diversity and Its Associations with Anemia among Women of Reproductive Age in Rural Odisha, India.

Ecology of food and nutrition

Jin Y, Talegawkar SA, Sedlander E, DiPietro L, Parida M, Ganjoo R, Aluc A, Rimal R

Iron and folic acid consumption and changing social norms: cluster randomized field trial, Odisha, India.

Bulletin of the World Health Organization

Rimal RN, Yilma H, Sedlander E, Mohanty S, Patro L, Pant I, Khuntia SK, Swain M, Behera S

Does the Belief That Contraceptive Use Causes Infertility Actually Affect Use? Findings from a Social Network Study in Kenya.

Studies in family planning

Sedlander E, Bingenheimer JB, Lahiri S, Thiongo M, Gichangi P, Munar W, Rimal RN

Improving iron folic acid consumption through interpersonal communication: Findings from the Reduction in Anemia through Normative Innovations (RANI) project.

Patient education and counseling

Ganjoo R, Rimal RN, Talegawkar SA, Sedlander E, Pant I, Bingenheimer JB, Chandarana S, Aluc A, Jin Y, Yilma H, Panda B

Determinants of work capacity (predicted VO2max) in non-pregnant women of reproductive age living in rural India.

BMC public health

DiPietro L, Bingenheimer J, Talegawkar SA, Sedlander E, Yilma H, Pradhan P, Rimal R

How gender norms affect anemia in select villages in rural Odisha, India: A qualitative study.

Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.)

Sedlander E, Talegawkar S, Ganjoo R, Ladwa C, DiPietro L, Aluc A, Rimal RN

Patient-Reported Reasons for Not Using Primary Prevention Statin Therapy.

Journal of clinical medicine

DeWitt CM, Ponce RB, Bry H, Wali S, Sedlander E, Ladapo JA

Variation in Self-Perceived Fecundity among Young Adult U.S. Women.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Gemmill A, Sedlander E, Bornstein M

A Clinical Reminder Order Check Intervention to Improve Guideline-concordant Imaging Practices for Men With Prostate Cancer: A Pilot Study.


Ciprut SE, Kelly MD, Walter D, Hoffman R, Becker DJ, Loeb S, Sedlander E, Tenner CT, Sherman SE, Zeliadt SB, Makarov DV

"It Allows You to Challenge Your Beliefs": Examining Medical Students' Reactions to First Trimester Abortion.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Rivlin K, Sedlander E, Cepin A

Moving beyond individual barriers and identifying multi-level strategies to reduce anemia in Odisha India.

BMC public health

Sedlander E, Long MW, Mohanty S, Munjral A, Bingenheimer JB, Yilma H, Rimal RN

Beyond Individual-Level Theorizing in Social Norms Research: How Collective Norms and Media Access Affect Adolescents' Use of Contraception.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Sedlander E, Rimal RN

Quantifying downstream impact of inappropriate staging imaging in a cohort of veterans with low- and intermediate-risk incident prostate cancer.

Urologic oncology

Drangsholt S, Walter D, Ciprut S, Lepor A, Sedlander E, Curnyn C, Loeb S, Malloy P, Winn AN, Makarov DV

"They Destroy the Reproductive System": Exploring the Belief that Modern Contraceptive Use Causes Infertility.

Studies in family planning

Sedlander E, Bingenheimer JB, Thiongo M, Gichangi P, Rimal RN, Edberg M, Munar W

Understanding modern contraception uptake in one Ethiopian community: a case study.

Reproductive health

Sedlander E, Bingenheimer JB, Edberg MC, Rimal RN, Shaikh H, Munar W

Designing a socio-normative intervention to reduce anemia in Odisha India: A formative research protocol.

Gates open research

Sedlander E, Rimal RN, Talegawkar SA, Yilma H, Munar W

Barriers and facilitators affecting the implementation of substance use screening in primary care clinics: a qualitative study of patients, providers, and staff.

Addiction science & clinical practice

McNeely J, Kumar PC, Rieckmann T, Sedlander E, Farkas S, Chollak C, Kannry JL, Vega A, Waite EA, Peccoralo LA, Rosenthal RN, McCarty D, Rotrosen J

Health state utilities among contemporary prostate cancer patients on active surveillance.

Translational andrology and urology

Loeb S, Curnyn C, Walter D, Fagerlin A, Siebert U, Mühlberger N, Braithwaite RS, Schwartz MD, Lepor H, Sedlander E

Designing a theory-based intervention to improve the guideline-concordant use of imaging to stage incident prostate cancer.

Urologic oncology

Ciprut S, Sedlander E, Watts KL, Matulewicz RS, Stange KC, Sherman SE, Makarov DV

Informational needs during active surveillance for prostate cancer: A qualitative study.

Patient education and counseling

Loeb S, Curnyn C, Fagerlin A, Braithwaite RS, Schwartz MD, Lepor H, Carter HB, Ciprut S, Sedlander E

Veterans' Preferences for Remote Management of Chronic Conditions.

Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association

Sedlander E, Barboza KC, Jensen A, Skursky N, Bennett K, Sherman S, Schwartz M

Group education sessions for women veterans who experienced sexual violence: Qualitative findings.

Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare

Dognin J, Sedlander E, Jay M, Ades V

Qualitative study on decision-making by prostate cancer physicians during active surveillance.

BJU international

Loeb S, Curnyn C, Fagerlin A, Braithwaite RS, Schwartz MD, Lepor H, Carter HB, Sedlander E

A qualitative study to understand guideline-discordant use of imaging to stage incident prostate cancer.

Implementation science : IS

Makarov DV, Sedlander E, Braithwaite RS, Sherman SE, Zeliadt S, Gross CP, Curnyn C, Shedlin M

Opportunities and Challenges for Adolescent Health Under the Affordable Care Act.

Maternal and child health journal

Tebb KP, Sedlander E, Bausch S, Brindis CD

Options for assuring access to confidential care for adolescents and young adults in an explanation of benefits environment.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Sedlander E, Brindis CD, Bausch SH, Tebb KP