Dominic Montagu, DrPH

Epidemiology & Biostatistics
+1 415 476-5648

My research is focused on measurement and on quality. Most of my work is on maternal health, family planning, and abortion services in low- and middle-income countries.

In India and Kenya my colleagues and I are working to first develop a measure for person-centered quality, and then to implement rapid quality improvement cycles in multiple hospitals, working with the hospital managers, clinicians, staff, and patients to identify quality shortcomings, causes, and to brainstorm and implement solutions.

We will measure the effectiveness of those locally-developed solutions using the common quality metric we have already created. The rapid quality-improvement initiatives that work in one facility, that lead to a significant improvement on our quality scale, will then be prioritized for testing out in the subsequent rapid quality-improvement cycle in the other facilities.

Working this way will allow us to be fast, innovative, build on local ideas and knowledge, and also assess the replicability and validity of specific interventions. We will work in 6 hospitals in Uttar Pradesh, India, and in 3 hospitals in Nairobi, Kenya.

Good metrics, and a commitment to improve based on what they show, is at the core of effective, responsive, patient-centered healthcare. Responding to what matters to real patients, rather than just to scientists, providers, or managers, is the key to making quality improvements that both improve outcomes, and improve timely access, use, and follow-through on care.


Five ways to bridge the 'know-do' continuum in global health.

Nature human behaviour

Sarker M, Ahuja S, Alonge O, Irazola V, Mahendradhata Y, Montagu D

Developing and validating an abortion care quality metric for facility and out-of-facility settings: an observational cohort study in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Nigeria.


Pearson EE, Chakraborty NM, Baum SE, Menzel JL, Dijkerman S, Chowdhury R, Chekol BM, Adojutelegan YA, Bercu C, Powell B, Montagu D, Sprockett A, Gerdts C

Toward a Standard Measure of Abortion Service Quality-A Stakeholder First Approach.

Frontiers in global women's health

Chakraborty NM, Pearson E, Gerdts C, Baum SE, Powell B, Montagu D

Exploring and Monitoring Privacy, Confidentiality, and Provider Bias in Sexual and Reproductive Health Service Provision to Young People: A Narrative Review.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Corley AG, Sprockett A, Montagu D, Chakraborty NM

Can changes to improve person-centred maternity care be spread across public health facilities in Uttar Pradesh, India?

Sexual and reproductive health matters

Sudhinaraset M, Giessler K, Nakphong MK, Roy KP, Sahu AB, Sharma K, Montagu D, Green C

Providers preferences towards greater patient health benefit is associated with higher quality of care.

International journal of health economics and management

Kacker S, Aung T, Montagu D, Bishai D

Standard Survey Data: Insights Into Private Sector Utilization.

Frontiers in medicine

Montagu D, Chakraborty N

Translating international guidelines for use in routine maternal and neonatal healthcare quality measurement.

Global health action

Chang KT, Hossain P, Sarker M, Montagu D, Chakraborty NM, Sprockett A

Perspectives on implementing a quality improvement collaborative to improve person-centered care for maternal and reproductive health in Kenya.

International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care

Giessler K, Seefeld A, Montagu D, Phillips B, Mwangi J, Munson M, Green C, Opot J, Golub G

Results of a person-centered maternal health quality improvement intervention in Uttar Pradesh, India.

PloS one

Montagu D, Giessler K, Nakphong MK, Roy KP, Sahu AB, Sharma K, Green C, Sudhinaraset M

A comparison of intensive vs. light-touch quality improvement interventions for maternal health in Uttar Pradesh, India.

BMC health services research

Montagu D, Giessler K, Nakphong MK, Green C, Roy KP, Sahu AB, Sharma K, Sudhinarset M

Measuring Service Quality and Assessing Its Relationship to Contraceptive Discontinuation: A Prospective Cohort Study in Pakistan and Uganda.

Global health, science and practice

Chang KT, Chakraborty NM, Kalamar AM, Hameed W, Bellows B, Grépin KA, Gul AX, Bradley SEK, Atuyambe LM, Montagu D

Patient-experience during delivery in public health facilities in Uttar Pradesh, India.

Health policy and planning

Montagu D, Landrian A, Kumar V, Phillips BS, Singhal S, Mishra S, Singh S, Cotter SY, Singh VP, Kajal F, Sudhinaraset M

Patient-experience during delivery in public health facilities in Uttar Pradesh, India.

Health policy and planning

Montagu D, Landrian A, Kumar V, Phillips BS, Singhal S, Mishra S, Singh S, Cotter SY, Singh VP, Kajal F, Sudhinaraset M

Definitions, measurement and indicator selection for quality of care in abortion.


Darney BG, Kapp N, Andersen K, Baum SE, Blanchard K, Gerdts C, Montagu D, Chakraborty NM, Powell B

Toward the development of a short multi-country person-centered maternity care scale.

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Afulani PA, Feeser K, Sudhinaraset M, Aborigo R, Montagu D, Chakraborty N

Association Between the Quality of Contraceptive Counseling and Method Continuation: Findings From a Prospective Cohort Study in Social Franchise Clinics in Pakistan and Uganda.

Global health, science and practice

Chakraborty NM, Chang K, Bellows B, Grépin KA, Hameed W, Kalamar A, Gul X, Atuyambe L, Montagu D

Quality of care and abortion: beyond safety.

BMJ sexual & reproductive health

Darney BG, Powell B, Andersen K, Baum SE, Blanchard K, Gerdts C, Montagu D, Chakraborty NM, Kapp N

Advancing a conceptual model to improve maternal health quality: The Person-Centered Care Framework for Reproductive Health Equity.

Gates open research

Sudhinaraset M, Afulani P, Diamond-Smith N, Bhattacharyya S, Donnay F, Montagu D

Where women go to deliver: understanding the changing landscape of childbirth in Africa and Asia.

Health policy and planning

Montagu D, Sudhinaraset M, Diamond-Smith N, Campbell O, Gabrysch S, Freedman L, Kruk ME, Donnay F

Recent trends in working with the private sector to improve basic healthcare: a review of evidence and interventions.

Health policy and planning

Montagu D, Goodman C, Berman P, Penn A, Visconti A

Lessons for social franchises from sustainability in business and public health studies: a systematic review.

The Lancet Global Health

Amy Penn, Juan Carlos Negrette, Dale Huntington, Dominic Montagu

Improving the quality of paediatric malaria diagnosis and treatment by rural providers in Myanmar: an evaluation of a training and support intervention.

Malaria journal

Aung T, Longfield K, Aye NM, San AK, Sutton TS, Montagu D, PHSi/UCSF Global Health Group

Cost-effectiveness of using a social franchise network to increase uptake of oral rehydration salts and zinc for childhood diarrhea in rural Myanmar.

Cost effectiveness and resource allocation : C/E

Bishai D, Sachathep K, LeFevre A, Thant HN, Zaw M, Aung T, McFarland W, Montagu D, Social Franchising Research Team

Presumptive treatment of malaria from formal and informal drug vendors in Nigeria.

PloS one

Isiguzo C, Anyanti J, Ujuju C, Nwokolo E, De La Cruz A, Schatzkin E, Modrek S, Montagu D, Liu J

How do risk preferences relate to malaria care-seeking behavior and the acceptability of a new health technology in Nigeria?

BMC health services research

Liu J, Modrek S, Anyanti J, Nwokolo E, De La Cruz A, Schatzkin E, Isiguzo C, Ujuju C, Montagu D

SMS messages increase adherence to rapid diagnostic test results among malaria patients: results from a pilot study in Nigeria.

Malaria journal

Modrek S, Schatzkin E, De La Cruz A, Isiguzo C, Nwokolo E, Anyanti J, Ujuju C, Montagu D, Liu J

Impact of a social franchising program on uptake of oral rehydration solution plus zinc for childhood diarrhea in myanmar: a community-level randomized controlled trial.

Journal of tropical pediatrics

Aung T, Montagu D, Su Su Khin H, Win Z, San AK, McFarland W, ORS + Zinc Study Group

The cost of service quality improvements: tracking the flow of funds in social franchise networks in Myanmar.

Cost effectiveness and resource allocation : C/E

Bishai D, LeFevre A, Theuss M, Boxshall M, Hetherington JD, Zaw M, Montagu D

Scaling up oral rehydration salts and zinc for the treatment of diarrhoea.

BMJ (Clinical research ed.)

Sabot O, Schroder K, Yamey G, Montagu D

Piloting the Affordable Medicines Facility-malaria: what will success look like?

Bulletin of the World Health Organization

Yamey G, Schäferhoff M, Montagu D

A zebra or a painted horse? Are hospital PPPs infrastructure partnerships with stripes or a separate species?

World hospitals and health services : the official journal of the International Hospital Federation

Montagu D, Harding A

Pay-for-performance and the Millennium Development Goals.

Lancet (London, England)

Montagu D, Yamey G

Equity and financing for sexual and reproductive health service delivery: current innovations.

The journal of family planning and reproductive health care

Montagu D, Graff M

The Private Sector in Health Care Provision, The Role of.

International Encyclopedia of Public Health

A. Harding, D. Montagu

Reaching youth through franchise clinics: assessment of Kenyan private sector involvement in youth services.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Decker M, Montagu D

Private sector, human resources and health franchising in Africa.

Bulletin of the World Health Organization

Prata N, Montagu D, Jefferys E

Franchising of health services in low-income countries.

Health policy and planning

Montagu D