Craig Cohen, MD, MPH

Professor In Residence
Ob/Gyn, Reproductive Sciences
+1 415 476-5874

Craig Cohen, MD, MPH, is a Professor in the UCSF Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, and an Attending Physician at San Francisco General Hospital. From 2016-2022 he was the co-Director of the University of California Global Health Institute (UCGHI: He conducts clinical and implementation research in two major areas: HIV and sexually transmitted infection prevention and HIV/AIDS care and support in developing countries including the development of live biotherapeutic products to prevent bacterial vaginosis and HIV acquisition in women.

In 1994, Dr. Cohen and his colleague Dr. Elizabeth Bukusi at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) established the Research Care and Treatment Program (RCTP) a collaboration with projects in Nairobi and Kisumu, Kenya. In addition to conducting research, the goal of the program is to enhance local capacity to conduct biomedical research through training and infrastructure development. RCTP employs over 700 full-time staff in Kenya, including epidemiologists, physicians, nurse counselors, laboratory technologists, field workers, data managers, biostatisticians, and administrative staff. Ongoing research projects include Shamba Maisha (see website), cervical cancer prevention among women living with HIV, use of telemedicine to expand high-quality HIV care in Kenya, among others.

Dr. Cohen directs the UCSF Reproductive Infectious Disease (RID) Fellowship, which aims to provide Ob/Gyn and post-doctoral trainees with the tools and experience necessary to develop into independent investigators and launch productive careers in the field of RID. He directs the University of California Global Health Institute (UCGHI) GloCal Health Fellowship which trains fellows in global health research between in collaboration with 22 international collaborating institutions in 18 countries. Overall, Dr. Cohen has directly mentored more than 80 doctoral/professional students, residents and post-doctoral fellows, most of who have conducted research in Kenya.

Areas of Interest:
•Prevention of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI)
•Microbicides, live biotherapeutic products to prevent HIV/STI
*Integration of reproductive health and HIV services
•Improvement of care to HIV infected persons living in resource poor settings
*Multisectoral interventions to improve the lives of families affected by HIV
•Research training and infrastructure development in developing countries


Spillover Effects of an Agricultural Livelihood Intervention Among People Living with HIV on Community Empowerment in Kenya.

AIDS and behavior

Chi V, Weke E, Cohen C, Burger R, Baylen C, Wekesa P, Bukusi EA, Dworkin SL, Butler L, Weiser SD

Preference of mHealth versus in-person treatment for depression and post-traumatic stress disorder in Kenya: demographic and clinical characteristics.

BMJ open

Meffert S, Mathai M, Neylan T, Mwai D, Onyango DO, Rota G, Otieno A, Obura RR, Wangia J, Opiyo E, Muchembre P, Oluoch D, Wambura R, Mbwayo A, Kahn JG, Cohen CR, Bukusi D, Aarons GA, Burger RL, Jin C, McCulloch C, Kahonge S, Ongeri L

Increased Stillbirth Rates and Exposure to Environmental Risk Factors for Stillbirth in Counties with Higher Social Vulnerability: United States, 2015-2018.

Maternal and child health journal

Moore J, Evans S, Rose CE, Shin M, Carroll Y, Duke CW, Cohen CR, Broussard CS

"We chose PrEP because I wanted to be sure that this child my wife was going to conceive was indeed mine." Factors influencing the choice of safer conception methods and experiences with its use: a qualitative study among HIV sero-discordant couples in Zi

BMC public health

Brown JM, Musara P, Gitome S, Chitukuta M, Mataveke B, Chirenda T, Mgodi N, Mutero P, Matubu A, Chareka G, Chasakara C, Murombedzi C, Makurumure T, Hughes CS, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Shiboski S, Darbes L, Rutherford GW, Chirenje ZM, Mhlanga F

"First was to sit down and bring our minds together". A qualitative study on safer conception decision-making among HIV sero-different couples in Zimbabwe.

Sexual and reproductive health matters

Gitome S, Musara P, Chitukuta M, Mhlanga F, Mateveke B, Chirenda T, Mgodi N, Mutero P, Matubu A, Chareka G, Chasakara C, Murombedzi C, Makurumure T, Smith-Hughes C, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Shiboski S, Darbes L, Rutherford GW, Chirenje ZM, Brown JM

"Something Like That": Awareness and Acceptability of HIV PrEP and PEP Among Kenyan Adolescents.

International journal of behavioral medicine

Miller L, Otieno B, Amboka S, Kadede K, Odeny D, Odhiambo H, Agot I, Zamudio-Haas S, Auerswald C, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Truong HM, Maneno Yetu Study Team

Vaginal fungi are associated with treatment-induced shifts in the vaginal microbiota and with a distinct genital immune profile.

Microbiology spectrum

Armstrong E, Hemmerling A, Miller S, Huibner S, Kulikova M, Liu R, Crawford E, Castañeda GR, Coburn B, Cohen CR, Kaul R

Vaginal Lactobacillus crispatus persistence following application of a live biotherapeutic product: colonization phenotypes and genital immune impact.


Armstrong E, Hemmerling A, Miller S, Huibner S, Kulikova M, Crawford E, Castañeda GR, Coburn B, Cohen CR, Kaul R

Defining a screening tool for post-traumatic stress disorder in East Africa: a penalized regression approach.

Frontiers in public health

Meffert SM, Mathai MA, Ongeri L, Neylan TC, Mwai D, Onyango D, Akena D, Rota G, Otieno A, Obura RR, Wangia J, Opiyo E, Muchembre P, Oluoch D, Wambura R, Mbwayo A, Kahn JG, Cohen CR, Bukusi DE, Aarons GA, Burger RL, Jin C, McCulloch CE, Njuguna Kahonge S

The influence of an agricultural intervention on social capital and water insecurity coping strategies: Qualitative evidence from female smallholder farmers living with HIV in western Kenya.


Owuor PM, Miller JD, Kanugula SS, Yeam J, Collins S, Obure V, Arunga T, Otieno P, Olack B, Butler LM, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Weiser SD, Young SL

An agricultural livelihood intervention is associated with reduced HIV stigma among people living with HIV.

AIDS (London, England)

Weiser SD, Sheira LA, Weke E, Zakaras JM, Wekesa P, Frongillo EA, Burger RL, Mocello AR, Thirumurthy H, Dworkin SL, Tsai AC, Kahn JG, Butler L, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Exploring HIV risk perception mechanisms among youth in a test-and-treat trial in Kenya and Uganda.

PLOS global public health

Owino L, Johnson-Peretz J, Lee J, Getahun M, Coppock-Pector D, Maeri I, Onyango A, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kabami J, Ayieko J, Petersen M, Kamya MR, Charlebois E, Havlir D, Camlin CS

HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Awareness and Use Among Adolescents in Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Truong HM, Heylen E, Kadede K, Amboka S, Otieno B, Odhiambo H, Odeny D, Hewa M, Opiyo M, Opondo F, Ogolla D, Guzé MA, Miller LE, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Maneno Yetu Study Team

Real-World Cervical Cancer Screening Uptake and Predictors of Visual Inspection With Acetic Acid Positivity Among Women Living With HIV in Care Programs in Western Kenya.

JCO global oncology

Mungo C, Orang'o O, Ofner S, Musick B, Yiannoutsos C, Cohen CR, Brown D, Wools-Kaloustian K, Semeere A

"It has changed my life": unconditional cash transfers and personalized infant feeding support- a feasibility intervention trial among women living with HIV in western Kenya.

International breastfeeding journal

Tuthill EL, Maltby AE, Odhiambo BC, Hoffmann TJ, Nyaura M, Shikari R, Cohen CR, Weiser SD

Impact of a livelihood intervention on gender roles and relationship power among people living with HIV.

AIDS (London, England)

Sheira LA, Wekesa P, Cohen CR, Weke E, Frongillo EA, Mocello R, Dworkin SL, Burger RL, Weiser SD, Bukusi EA

Universal HIV Testing and Treatment With Patient-Centered Care Improves ART Uptake and Viral Suppression Among Adults Reporting Hazardous Alcohol Use in Uganda and Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Puryear SB, Ayieko J, Hahn JA, Mucunguzi A, Owaraganise A, Schwab J, Balzer LB, Kwarisiima D, Charlebois ED, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Chamie G

Comparing the effect of a multisectoral agricultural intervention on HIV-related health outcomes between widowed and married women.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Odhiambo JA, Weiser SD, Frongillo EA, Burger RL, Weke E, Wekesa P, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

HIV Infection Among Adolescents Residing in Urban Informal Settlements of Kenya.

AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education

Truong HM, Guzé MA, Kadede K, Amboka S, Otieno B, Odhiambo H, Odeny D, Hewa M, Opiyo M, Opondo F, Fatch R, Ogolla D, Miller LE, Bushman D, Auerswald C, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Maneno Yetu Study Team

Sex specific differences in HIV status disclosure and care engagement among people living with HIV in rural communities in Kenya and Uganda.

PLOS global public health

Okorie CN, Gutin SA, Getahun M, Lebu SA, Okiring J, Neilands TB, Ssali S, Cohen CR, Maeri I, Eyul P, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS

Cost comparison of a rapid results initiative against standard clinic-based model to scale-up voluntary medical male circumcision in Kenya.

PLOS global public health

Jaradeh K, Van Fleet Kingery T, Cheruiyot J, Odhiambo F, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Shade SB

Preventing HIV and achieving pregnancy among HIV sero-different couples: Pilot study of a safer conception intervention in Zimbabwe.

PLOS global public health

Brown JM, Gitome S, Mataveke B, Chirenda T, Matubu A, Chareka G, Chasakara C, Mgodi N, Murombedzi C, Musara P, Makurumure T, Hughes CS, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Shiboski S, Darbes L, Kahn JG, Rutherford GW, Chirenje ZM, Mhlanga F

Treatment Success Following Standard Antibiotic Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis Is Not Associated With Pretreatment Genital Immune or Microbial Parameters.

Open forum infectious diseases

Armstrong E, Hemmerling A, Joag V, Huibner S, Kulikova M, Crawford E, Castañeda GR, Anzala O, Obila O, Shahabi K, Ravel J, Coburn B, Cohen CR, Kaul R

Perceived impacts of a pilot agricultural livelihood and microfinance intervention on agricultural practices, food security and nutrition for Kenyans living with HIV.

PloS one

Nicastro TM, Pincus L, Weke E, Hatcher AM, Burger RL, Lemus-Hufstedler E, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Weiser SD

Respondent-driven sampling to recruit adolescents in Kenya.

Annals of epidemiology

Truong HM, Fatch R, Ogolla D, Otieno B, Amboka S, Kadede K, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Guzé MA

Effect of a Multisectoral Agricultural Intervention on HIV Health Outcomes Among Adults in Kenya: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial.

JAMA network open

Cohen CR, Weke E, Frongillo EA, Sheira LA, Burger R, Mocello AR, Wekesa P, Fisher M, Scow K, Thirumurthy H, Dworkin SL, Shade SB, Butler LM, Bukusi EA, Weiser SD

Mobility is Associated with Higher-risk Sexual Partnerships Among Both Men and Women in Co-resident Couples in Rural Kenya and Uganda: A Longitudinal Cohort Study.

AIDS and behavior

Gutin SA, Neilands TB, Charlebois ED, Getahun M, Okiring J, Akullian A, Maeri I, Eyul P, Ssali S, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Camlin CS

Nothing about us without us: Community-based participatory research to improve HIV care for mobile patients in Kenya and Uganda.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Maeri I, Eyul P, Getahun M, Hatchett K, Owino L, Akatukwasa C, Itiakorit H, Gutin SA, Johnson-Peretz J, Ssali S, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS

Patient preferences for HIV service delivery models; a Discrete Choice Experiment in Kisumu, Kenya.

PLOS global public health

Mando RO, Moghadassi M, Juma E, Ogollah C, Packel L, Kulzer JL, Kadima J, Odhiambo F, Eshun-Wilson I, Kim HY, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Geng E

Providers' Attitudes and Experiences with Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Implementation in a Population-Based Study in Kenya and Uganda.

AIDS patient care and STDs

Camlin CS, Getahun M, Koss CA, Owino L, Akatukwasa C, Itiakorit H, Onyango A, Bakanoma R, Atwine F, Maeri I, Ayieko J, Atukunda M, Owaraganise A, Mwangwa F, Sang N, Kabami J, Kaplan RL, Chamie G, Petersen ML, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Charlebois ED

Condom, modern contraceptive, and dual method use are associated with HIV status and relationship concurrency in a context of high mobility: A cross-sectional study of women of reproductive age in rural Kenya and Uganda, 2016.


Lee JK, Gutin SA, Getahun M, Okiring J, Neilands TB, Akullian A, Ssali S, Cohen CR, Maeri I, Eyul P, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS

First cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection and secondary transmission in Kisumu, Kenya.

PLOS global public health

Tippett Barr BA, Herman-Roloff A, Mburu M, Murnane PM, Sang N, Bukusi E, Oele E, Odhiambo A, Lewis-Kulzer J, Onyango CO, Hunsperger E, Odhiambo F, Joseph RH, Munyua P, Othieno K, Mulwa E, Akelo V, Muok E, Bulterys M, Nzioka C, Cohen CR

Contraceptive implant use duration is not associated with breakthrough pregnancy among women living with HIV and using efavirenz: a retrospective, longitudinal analysis.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Stalter RM, Amorim G, Mocello AR, Jakait B, Shepherd BE, Musick B, Bernard C, Bukusi EA, Wools-Kaloustian K, Cohen CR, Yiannoutsos CT, Patel RC, Implant/Efavirenz Study Group and the East Africa IeDEA regional consortium

Relationship Power, Antiretroviral Adherence, and Physical and Mental Health Among Women Living with HIV in Rural Kenya.

AIDS and behavior

Burger RL, Cohen CR, Mocello AR, Dworkin SL, Frongillo EA, Weke E, Butler LM, Thirumurthy H, Bukusi EA, Weiser SD

The Impact of Land Tenure Security on a Livelihood Intervention for People Living with HIV in Western Kenya.

AIDS and behavior

Daniel AK, Dworkin SL, McDonough A, Hatcher AM, Burger RL, Weke E, Wekesa P, Bukusi EA, Owino G, Odhiambo G, Thirumurthy H, Getahun M, Weiser SD, Cohen CR

Obstetric risk in pregnancy interacts with hair cortisone levels to reduce gestational length.

Frontiers in global women's health

Musana J, Cohen CR, Kuppermann M, Gerona R, Wanyoro A, Aguilar D, Santos N, Temmerman M, Weiss SJ

Exploring Estimates and Reasons for Lost to Follow-Up Among People Living With HIV on Antiretroviral Therapy in Kisumu County, Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Samba BO, Lewis-Kulzer J, Odhiambo F, Juma E, Mulwa E, Kadima J, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Preferences for Multipurpose Technology and Non-oral Methods of Antiretroviral Therapy Among Women Living With HIV in Western Kenya: A Survey Study.

Frontiers in global women's health

Bernard C, Jakait B, Fadel WF, Mocello AR, Onono MA, Bukusi EA, Wools-Kaloustian KK, Cohen CR, Patel RC

Sexual partnership concurrency and age disparities associated with sexually transmitted infection and risk behavior in rural communities in Kenya and Uganda.

International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Okiring J, Getahun M, Gutin SA, Lebu S, Lee J, Maeri I, Eyul P, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Neilands TB, Ssali S, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS

Sustained effect of LACTIN-V (Lactobacillus crispatus CTV-05) on genital immunology following standard bacterial vaginosis treatment: results from a randomised, placebo-controlled trial.

The Lancet. Microbe

Armstrong E, Hemmerling A, Miller S, Burke KE, Newmann SJ, Morris SR, Reno H, Huibner S, Kulikova M, Nagelkerke N, Coburn B, Cohen CR, Kaul R

Metronidazole treatment rapidly reduces genital inflammation through effects on bacterial vaginosis-associated bacteria rather than lactobacilli.

The Journal of clinical investigation

Armstrong E, Hemmerling A, Miller S, Burke KE, Newmann SJ, Morris SR, Reno H, Huibner S, Kulikova M, Liu R, Crawford ED, Castañeda GR, Nagelkerke N, Coburn B, Cohen CR, Kaul R

Effect of universal HIV testing and treatment on socioeconomic wellbeing in rural Kenya and Uganda: a cluster-randomised controlled trial.

The Lancet. Global health

Jakubowski A, Kabami J, Balzer LB, Ayieko J, Charlebois ED, Owaraganise A, Marquez C, Clark TD, Black D, Shade SB, Chamie G, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen M, Havlir DV, Thirumurthy H

Machine Learning Algorithms Using Routinely Collected Data Do Not Adequately Predict Viremia to Inform Targeted Services in Postpartum Women Living With HIV.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Murnane PM, Ayieko J, Vittinghoff E, Gandhi M, Katumbi C, Milala B, Nakaye C, Kanda P, Moodley D, Nyati ME, Loftis AJ, Fowler MG, Flynn P, Currier JS, Cohen CR

"We Don't Fear HIV. We Just Fear Walking around Pregnant.": A Qualitative Analysis of Adolescent Sexuality and Pregnancy Stigma in Informal Settlements in Kisumu, Kenya.

Studies in family planning

Miller LE, Zamudio-Haas S, Otieno B, Amboka S, Odeny D, Agot I, Kadede K, Odhiambo H, Auerswald C, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Truong HM

SEARCH Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Streamlined Treatment Intervention Reduces Mortality at a Population Level in Men With Low CD4 Counts.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Kabami J, Ayieko J, Kwariisima D, Sang N, Clark TD, Schwab J, Charlebois ED, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Peng J, Jain V, Chen YH, Chamie G, Balzer LB, Havlir DV

Effect of a patient-centered hypertension delivery strategy on all-cause mortality: Secondary analysis of SEARCH, a community-randomized trial in rural Kenya and Uganda.

PLoS medicine

Hickey MD, Ayieko J, Owaraganise A, Sim N, Balzer LB, Kabami J, Atukunda M, Opel FJ, Wafula E, Nyabuti M, Brown L, Chamie G, Jain V, Peng J, Kwarisiima D, Camlin CS, Charlebois ED, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Havlir DV

Community-Based HIV Testing for Urban Youth in Western Kenya.

AIDS and behavior

Truong HM, Guzé MA, Ouma D, Bushman D, Mocello AR, Kadede K, Bukusi EA, Odhiambo F, Cohen CR

The Kanyakla study: Randomized controlled trial of a microclinic social network intervention for promoting engagement and retention in HIV care in rural western Kenya.

PloS one

Hickey MD, Ouma GB, Mattah B, Pederson B, DesLauriers NR, Mohamed P, Obanda J, Odhiambo A, Njoroge B, Otieno L, Zoughbie DE, Ding EL, Fiorella KJ, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Geng EH, Salmen CR

Preferences of people living with HIV for differentiated care models in Kenya: A discrete choice experiment.

PloS one

Dommaraju S, Hagey J, Odeny TA, Okaka S, Kadima J, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Kwena Z, Eshun-Wilson I, Geng E

Etiology and Diagnosis of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Looking Beyond Gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Mitchell CM, Anyalechi GE, Cohen CR, Haggerty CL, Manhart LE, Hillier SL

Pregnancies among women living with HIV using contraceptives and antiretroviral therapy in western Kenya: a retrospective, cohort study.

BMC medicine

Patel RC, Amorim G, Jakait B, Shepherd BE, Mocello AR, Musick B, Bernard C, Onono M, Bukusi EA, Wools-Kaloustian K, Cohen CR, Yiannoutsos CT, Implant/Efavirenz Study Group and the East Africa IeDEA Regional Consortium

Water Insecurity is Associated with Lack of Viral Suppression and Greater Odds of AIDS-Defining Illnesses Among Adults with HIV in Western Kenya.

AIDS and behavior

Nagata JM, Miller JD, Cohen CR, Frongillo EA, Weke E, Burger R, Wekesa P, Sheira LA, Mocello AR, Otieno P, Butler LM, Bukusi EA, Weiser SD, Young SL

Connecting the Dots: Translating the Vaginal Microbiome Into a Drug.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Lagenaur LA, Hemmerling A, Chiu C, Miller S, Lee PP, Cohen CR, Parks TP

Household Water and Food Insecurity Are Positively Associated with Poor Mental and Physical Health among Adults Living with HIV in Western Kenya.

The Journal of nutrition

Miller JD, Frongillo EA, Weke E, Burger R, Wekesa P, Sheira LA, Mocello AR, Bukusi EA, Otieno P, Cohen CR, Weiser SD, Young SL

Dimensions of HIV-related stigma in rural communities in Kenya and Uganda at the start of a large HIV 'test and treat' trial.

PloS one

Akatukwasa C, Getahun M, El Ayadi AM, Namanya J, Maeri I, Itiakorit H, Owino L, Sanyu N, Kabami J, Ssemmondo E, Sang N, Kwarisiima D, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, Chamie G, Clark TD, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Havlir DV, Camlin CS

Costs of integrating hypertension care into HIV care in rural East African clinics.

AIDS (London, England)

Shade SB, Osmand T, Kwarisiima D, Brown LB, Luo A, Mwebaza B, Mwesigye AR, Kwizera E, Imukeka H, Mwanga F, Ayieko J, Owaraganise A, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Charlebois ED, Black D, Clark TD, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Jain V

Feasibility and Acceptability of Smartphone-Based Cervical Cancer Screening Among HIV-Positive Women in Western Kenya.

JCO global oncology

Mungo C, Osongo CO, Ambaka J, Randa MA, Samba B, Ochieng CA, Barker E, Guliam A, Omoto J, Cohen CR

Improvements in pediatric and adolescent HIV testing and identification in western Kenya under the Accelerating Children's HIV/AIDS Treatment initiative.

AIDS care

Okoko N, Mocello AR, Kadima J, Kulzer J, Nyanaro G, Blat C, Guzé M, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Abuogi L, Shade SB

HIV incidence after pre-exposure prophylaxis initiation among women and men at elevated HIV risk: A population-based study in rural Kenya and Uganda.

PLoS medicine

Koss CA, Havlir DV, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Kabami J, Chamie G, Atukunda M, Mwinike Y, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Peng J, Olilo W, Snyman K, Awuonda B, Clark TD, Black D, Nugent J, Brown LB, Marquez C, Okochi H, Zhang K, Camlin CS, Jain V, Gandhi M, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Balzer LB

Interpersonal psychotherapy delivered by nonspecialists for depression and posttraumatic stress disorder among Kenyan HIV-positive women affected by gender-based violence: Randomized controlled trial.

PLoS medicine

Meffert SM, Neylan TC, McCulloch CE, Blum K, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Verdeli H, Markowitz JC, Kahn JG, Bukusi D, Thirumurthy H, Rota G, Rota R, Oketch G, Opiyo E, Ongeri L

Provider and Patient Perspectives of Rapid ART Initiation and Streamlined HIV Care: Qualitative Insights From Eastern African Communities.

Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care

Mwangwa F, Getahun M, Itiakorit H, Jain V, Ayieko J, Owino L, Akatukwasa C, Maeri I, Koss CA, Chamie G, Clark TD, Kabami J, Atukunda M, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Cohen CR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Camlin CS

Brief Report: Bacterial Vaginosis and Risk of HIV Infection in the Context of CD101 Gene Variation.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Wanga V, Mackelprang RD, Thomas KK, Donnell D, Cohen CR, Mugo NR, Bukusi EA, de Bruyn G, Irungu E, Celum C, Baeten JM, Lingappa JR, Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study and the Partners PrEP Study

Improved Viral Suppression With Streamlined Care in the SEARCH Study.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Hickey MD, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Opel FJ, Owaraganise A, Balzer LB, Chamie G, Jain V, Peng J, Camlin C, Charlebois ED, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Havlir DV

Machine Learning to Identify Persons at High-Risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Acquisition in Rural Kenya and Uganda.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Balzer LB, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Chamie G, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Koss CA, Kwarisiima D, Ayieko J, Sang N, Kabami J, Atukunda M, Jain V, Camlin CS, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Van Der Laan M, Petersen ML

Pathways for reduction of HIV-related stigma: a model derived from longitudinal qualitative research in Kenya and Uganda.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Camlin CS, Charlebois ED, Getahun M, Akatukwasa C, Atwine F, Itiakorit H, Bakanoma R, Maeri I, Owino L, Onyango A, Chamie G, Clark TD, Cohen CR, Kwarisiima D, Kabami J, Sang N, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Petersen ML, V Havlir D

Presence of Older Adolescents in the Household is Associated with Depressive Symptoms Among Women Living with HIV in Kenya.

AIDS and behavior

Nagata JM, Anicete LM, Cohen CR, Frongillo EA, Burger RL, Wekesa P, Weke E, Weiser SD, Bukusi EA

Community-based HIV testing services in an urban setting in western Kenya: a programme implementation study.

The lancet. HIV

Truong HM, Mocello AR, Ouma D, Bushman D, Kadede K, Ating'a E, Obunge D, Bukusi EA, Odhiambo F, Cohen CR

Food Insecurity and Intimate Partner Violence Among HIV-Positive Individuals in Rural Kenya.

American journal of preventive medicine

Hatcher AM, Weiser SD, Cohen CR, Hagey J, Weke E, Burger R, Wekesa P, Sheira L, Frongillo EA, Bukusi EA

Randomized Trial of Lactin-V to Prevent Recurrence of Bacterial Vaginosis. Reply.

The New England journal of medicine

Cohen CR, Parks T, Hemmerling A

They are likely to be there: using a family-centered index testing approach to identify children living with HIV in Kenya.

International journal of STD & AIDS

Okoko N, Kulzer JL, Ohe K, Mburu M, Muttai H, Abuogi LL, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Penner J

Population-level viral suppression among pregnant and postpartum women in a universal test and treat trial.

AIDS (London, England)

Kabami J, Balzer LB, Saddiki H, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Atukunda M, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Koss CA, Ruel T, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Musoke P, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Chamie G

Implementation of HIV care in Western Kenya during corona virus disease 2019 response.

AIDS (London, England)

Odhiambo F, Mulwa E, Ayieko J, Kulzer J, Aluda M, Chatterjee P, Onyango R, Nyanaro G, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Safety and Acceptability of Thermal Ablation for Treatment of Human Papillomavirus Among Women Living With HIV in Western Kenya.

JCO global oncology

Mungo C, Osongo CO, Ambaka J, Randa MA, Omoto J, Cohen CR, Huchko M

Understanding Demand for PrEP and Early Experiences of PrEP Use Among Young Adults in Rural Kenya and Uganda: A Qualitative Study.

AIDS and behavior

Camlin CS, Koss CA, Getahun M, Owino L, Itiakorit H, Akatukwasa C, Maeri I, Bakanoma R, Onyango A, Atwine F, Ayieko J, Kabami J, Mwangwa F, Atukunda M, Owaraganise A, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Cohen CR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV

Providers' perceptions of communication and women's autonomy during childbirth: a mixed methods study in Kenya.

Reproductive health

Afulani PA, Buback L, Kelly AM, Kirumbi L, Cohen CR, Lyndon A

Perinatal Food Insecurity and Postpartum Psychosocial Stress are Positively Associated Among Kenyan Women of Mixed HIV Status.

AIDS and behavior

Murnane PM, Miller JD, Tuthill EL, Collins SM, Neilands TB, Onono M, Cohen CR, Weiser SD, Laudenslager ML, Young SL

Randomized Trial of Lactin-V to Prevent Recurrence of Bacterial Vaginosis.

The New England journal of medicine

Cohen CR, Wierzbicki MR, French AL, Morris S, Newmann S, Reno H, Green L, Miller S, Powell J, Parks T, Hemmerling A

Scaling up cervical cancer prevention in Western Kenya: Treatment access following a community-based HPV testing approach.

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Mungo C, Ibrahim S, Bukusi EA, Truong HM, Cohen CR, Huchko M

"When I Eat Well, I Will Be Healthy, and the Child Will Also Be Healthy": Maternal Nutrition among HIV-Infected Women Enrolled in a Livelihood Intervention in Western Kenya.

Current developments in nutrition

McDonough A, Weiser SD, Daniel A, Weke E, Wekesa P, Burger R, Sheira L, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Associations between alcohol use and HIV care cascade outcomes among adults undergoing population-based HIV testing in East Africa.

AIDS (London, England)

Puryear SB, Balzer LB, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Hahn JA, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Chamie G

Uptake, engagement, and adherence to pre-exposure prophylaxis offered after population HIV testing in rural Kenya and Uganda: 72-week interim analysis of observational data from the SEARCH study.

The lancet. HIV

Koss CA, Charlebois ED, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Kabami J, Balzer LB, Atukunda M, Mwangwa F, Peng J, Mwinike Y, Owaraganise A, Chamie G, Jain V, Sang N, Olilo W, Brown LB, Marquez C, Zhang K, Ruel TD, Camlin CS, Rooney JF, Black D, Clark TD, Gandhi M, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, SEARCH Collaboration

Chain Peer Referral Approach for HIV Testing Among Adolescents in Kisumu County, Kenya.

AIDS and behavior

Ong'wen P, Samba BO, Moghadassi M, Okoko N, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Wolf HT

Hypertension testing and treatment in Uganda and Kenya through the SEARCH study: An implementation fidelity and outcome evaluation.

PloS one

Heller DJ, Balzer LB, Kazi D, Charlebois ED, Kwarisiima D, Mwangwa F, Jain V, Kotwani P, Chamie G, Cohen CR, Clark TD, Ayieko J, Byonanabye DM, Petersen M, Kamya MR, Havlir D, Kahn JG

Agricultural and Finance Intervention Increased Dietary Intake and Weight of Children Living in HIV-Affected Households in Western Kenya.

Current developments in nutrition

Butler LM, Bhandari S, Otieno P, Weiser SD, Cohen CR, Frongillo EA

Sexually Transmitted Infections in Pregnancy and Reproductive Health: Proceedings of the STAR Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinical Trial Group Programmatic Meeting.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Wynn A, Bristow CC, Cristillo AD, Murphy SM, van den Broek N, Muzny C, Kallapur S, Cohen C, Ingalls RR, Wiesenfeld H, Litch JA, Morris SR, Klausner JD

The Influence of Social Networks on Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation Among HIV-Infected Antiretroviral Therapy-Naive Youth in Rural Kenya and Uganda.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Brown LB, Balzer LB, Kabami J, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Ayieko J, Chen Y, Chamie G, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS, Cohen CR, Bukusi E, Kamya MR, Moody J, Havlir DV, Petersen ML

Implementation research for public sector mental health care scale-up (SMART-DAPPER): a sequential multiple, assignment randomized trial (SMART) of non-specialist-delivered psychotherapy and/or medication for major depressive disorder and posttraumatic st

BMC psychiatry

Levy R, Mathai M, Chatterjee P, Ongeri L, Njuguna S, Onyango D, Akena D, Rota G, Otieno A, Neylan TC, Lukwata H, Kahn JG, Cohen CR, Bukusi D, Aarons GA, Burger R, Blum K, Nahum-Shani I, McCulloch CE, Meffert SM

Association of differential symptoms of stress to hair cortisol and cortisone concentrations among pregnant women in Kenya.

Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Musana JW, Cohen CR, Kuppermann M, Gerona R, Wanyoro A, Aguilar D, Santos N, Temmerman M, Weiss SJ

Implementation of a Community-Based Hybrid HIV Testing Services Program as a Strategy to Saturate Testing Coverage in Western Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Truong HM, Akama E, Guzé MA, Otieno F, Obunge D, Wandera E, Nsengiyumva NP, Obabo S, Bushman D, Kadede K, Bukusi EA, Oyaro P, Cohen CR

Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Uptake Among Older Individuals in Rural Western Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Olilo WA, Petersen ML, Koss CA, Wafula E, Kwarisiima D, Kadede K, Clark TD, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Ayieko J, SEARCH Collaboration

Quality of antenatal care and associated factors in a rural county in Kenya: an assessment of service provision and experience dimensions.

BMC health services research

Afulani PA, Buback L, Essandoh F, Kinyua J, Kirumbi L, Cohen CR

Health Care Experiences of Youth Living With HIV Who Were Lost to Follow-up in Western Kenya.

The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC

Wolf HT, Davidoff K, Auerswald CL, Halpern-Felsher BL, Bukusi EA, Lyon M, Cohen CR

HIV Testing and Treatment with the Use of a Community Health Approach in Rural Africa.

The New England journal of medicine

Havlir DV, Balzer LB, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Kwarisiima D, Ayieko J, Kabami J, Sang N, Liegler T, Chamie G, Camlin CS, Jain V, Kadede K, Atukunda M, Ruel T, Shade SB, Ssemmondo E, Byonanebye DM, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Olilo W, Black D, Snyman K, Burger R, Getahun M, Achando J, Awuonda B, Nakato H, Kironde J, Okiror S, Thirumurthy H, Koss C, Brown L, Marquez C, Schwab J, Lavoy G, Plenty A, Mugoma Wafula E, Omanya P, Chen YH, Rooney JF, Bacon M, van der Laan M, Cohen CR, Bukusi E, Kamya MR, Petersen M

Educating men about vaginal microbicides: considerations from Kenya.

Culture, health & sexuality

Gitome SW, Kwena ZA, Harper CC, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA

Mechanisms and perceived mental health changes after a livelihood intervention for HIV-positive Kenyans: Longitudinal, qualitative findings.

Transcultural psychiatry

Hatcher AM, Lemus Hufstedler E, Doria K, Dworkin SL, Weke E, Conroy A, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Weiser SD

Increasing body mass index or weight does not appear to influence the association between efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy and implant effectiveness among HIV-positive women in western Kenya.


Patel RC, Jakait B, Thomas K, Yiannoutsos C, Onono M, Bukusi EA, Wools-Kaloustian KK, Cohen CR, Implant/Efavirenz Study Group

Gendered dimensions of population mobility associated with HIV across three epidemics in rural Eastern Africa.

Health & place

Camlin CS, Akullian A, Neilands TB, Getahun M, Bershteyn A, Ssali S, Geng E, Gandhi M, Cohen CR, Maeri I, Eyul P, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED

A Patient-Centered Multicomponent Strategy for Accelerated Linkage to Care Following Community-Wide HIV Testing in Rural Uganda and Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Ayieko J, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, Brown LB, Clark TD, Kwarisiima D, Kamya MR, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Havlir DV, Van Rie A

Empowering HIV-infected women in low-resource settings: A pilot study evaluating a patient-centered HIV prevention strategy for reproduction in Kisumu, Kenya.

PloS one

Mmeje O, Njoroge B, Wekesa P, Murage A, Ondondo RO, van der Poel S, Guzé MA, Shade SB, Bukusi EA, Cohan D, Cohen CR

Factors predictive of successful retention in care among HIV-infected men in a universal test-and-treat setting in Uganda and Kenya: A mixed methods analysis.

PloS one

Brown LB, Getahun M, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Owaraganise A, Atukunda M, Olilo W, Clark T, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Camlin CS

Evaluating Academic Mentorship Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Country Institutions: Proposed Framework and Metrics.

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene

Chi BH, Belizan JM, Blas MM, Chuang A, Wilson MD, Chibwesha CJ, Farquhar C, Cohen CR, Raj T

Mentoring the Mentors: Implementation and Evaluation of Four Fogarty-Sponsored Mentoring Training Workshops in Low-and Middle-Income Countries.

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene

Gandhi M, Raj T, Fernandez R, Rispel L, Nxumalo N, Lescano AG, Bukusi EA, Mmbaga BT, Heimburger DC, Cohen CR

Placental Structure in Preterm Birth Among HIV-Positive Versus HIV-Negative Women in Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Obimbo MM, Zhou Y, McMaster MT, Cohen CR, Qureshi Z, Ong'ech J, Ogeng'o JA, Fisher SJ

Research priorities to inform "Treat All" policy implementation for people living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: a consensus statement from the International epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA).

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Yotebieng M, Brazier E, Addison D, Kimmel AD, Cornell M, Keiser O, Parcesepe AM, Onovo A, Lancaster KE, Castelnuovo B, Murnane PM, Cohen CR, Vreeman RC, Davies MA, Duda SN, Yiannoutsos CT, Bono RS, Agler R, Bernard C, Syvertsen JL, Sinayobye JD, Wikramanayake R, Sohn AH, von Groote PM, Wandeler G, Leroy V, Williams CF, Wools-Kaloustian K, Nash D, IeDEA Treat All in sub-Saharan Africa Consensus Statement Working Group

Strengthening Mentoring in Low- and Middle-Income Countries to Advance Global Health Research: An Overview.

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene

Lescano AG, Cohen CR, Raj T, Rispel L, Garcia PJ, Zunt JR, Hamer DH, Heimburger DC, Chi BH, Ko AI, Bukusi EA

The Evolution of Mentorship Capacity Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Case Studies from Peru, Kenya, India, and Mozambique.

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene

Noormahomed E, Williams P, Lescano AG, Raj T, Bukusi EA, Schooley RT, Cohen CR

Mobile, Population-wide, Hybrid HIV Testing Strategy Increases Number of Children Tested in Rural Kenya and Uganda.

The Pediatric infectious disease journal

Ayieko J, Chamie G, Balzer L, Kwarisiima D, Kabami J, Sang N, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Clark TD, Plenty A, Charlebois ED, Petersen M, Kamya M, Havlir DV, Ruel T

Early Adopters of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Preexposure Prophylaxis in a Population-based Combination Prevention Study in Rural Kenya and Uganda.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Koss CA, Ayieko J, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Kwarisiima D, Balzer LB, Plenty A, Sang N, Kabami J, Ruel TD, Black D, Camlin CS, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Clark TD, Charlebois ED, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, SEARCH Collaboration

Achieving UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets for pregnant and postpartum women in sub-Saharan Africa: progress, gaps and research needs.

Journal of virus eradication

Abuogi LL, Humphrey JM, Mpody C, Yotebieng M, Murnane PM, Clouse K, Otieno L, Cohen CR, Wools-Kaloustian K

Adoption of routine virologic testing and predictors of virologic failure among HIV-infected children on antiretroviral treatment in western Kenya.

PloS one

Kadima J, Patterson E, Mburu M, Blat C, Nyanduko M, Bukusi EA, Cohen C, Oyaro P, Abuogi L

Forming a Kanyakla: A qualitative study to develop a novel social support intervention for adolescents living with HIV.

Journal of adolescence

Wolf HT, Chelliah SS, Ong'wen P, Tepper V, Kwena ZA, Cohen CR

Retention and viral suppression of newly diagnosed and known HIV positive pregnant women on Option B+ in Western Kenya.

AIDS care

Akama E, Nimz A, Blat C, Moghadassi M, Oyaro P, Maloba M, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Abuogi LL

Costs of streamlined HIV care delivery in rural Ugandan and Kenyan clinics in the SEARCH Studys.

AIDS (London, England)

Shade SB, Osmand T, Luo A, Aine R, Assurah E, Mwebaza B, Mwai D, Owaraganise A, Mwangwa F, Ayieko J, Black D, Brown LB, Clark TD, Kwarisiima D, Thirumurthy H, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Balzer L, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Jain V

"Hurdles on the path to 90-90-90 and beyond": Qualitative analysis of barriers to engagement in HIV care among individuals in rural East Africa in the context of test-and-treat.

PloS one

Ayieko J, Brown L, Anthierens S, Van Rie A, Getahun M, Charlebois ED, Petersen ML, Clark TD, Kamya MR, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Havlir DV, Camlin CS

Population mobility associated with higher risk sexual behaviour in eastern African communities participating in a Universal Testing and Treatment trial.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Camlin CS, Akullian A, Neilands TB, Getahun M, Eyul P, Maeri I, Ssali S, Geng E, Gandhi M, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Odeny T, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED

High CD4 counts associated with better economic outcomes for HIV-positive adults and their HIV-negative household members in the SEARCH Trial.

PloS one

Jakubowski A, Snyman K, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Burger R, Balzer L, Clark T, Chamie G, Shade S, Cohen C, Bukusi E, Charlebois E, Kamya M, Petersen M, Havlir D, Thirumurthy H

Increased Risk of HIV Acquisition Among Women Throughout Pregnancy and During the Postpartum Period: A Prospective Per-Coital-Act Analysis Among Women With HIV-Infected Partners.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Thomson KA, Hughes J, Baeten JM, John-Stewart G, Celum C, Cohen CR, Ngure K, Kiarie J, Mugo N, Heffron R, Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study and Partners PrEP Study Teams

Effect of a Patient-Centered Phone Call by a Clinical Officer at Time of HIV Testing on Linkage to Care in Rural Kenya.

Open forum infectious diseases

Ayieko J, Petersen ML, van Rie A, Wafula E, Opudo W, Clark TD, Kamya MR, Balzer LB, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV

Adherence to antiretroviral therapy in a clinical cohort of HIV-infected children in East Africa.

PloS one

Vreeman RC, Ayaya SO, Musick BS, Yiannoutsos CT, Cohen CR, Nash D, Wabwire D, Wools-Kaloustian K, Wiehe SE

Evaluation of the association between the concentrations of key vaginal bacteria and the increased risk of HIV acquisition in African women from five cohorts: a nested case-control study.

The Lancet. Infectious diseases

McClelland RS, Lingappa JR, Srinivasan S, Kinuthia J, John-Stewart GC, Jaoko W, Richardson BA, Yuhas K, Fiedler TL, Mandaliya KN, Munch MM, Mugo NR, Cohen CR, Baeten JM, Celum C, Overbaugh J, Fredricks DN

Increased prevalence of pregnancy and comparative risk of program attrition among individuals starting HIV treatment in East Africa.

PloS one

Holmes CB, Yiannoutsos CT, Elul B, Bukusi E, Ssali J, Kambugu A, Musick BS, Cohen C, Williams C, Diero L, Padian N, Wools-Kaloustian KK

Methods for sampling geographically mobile female traders in an East African market setting.

PloS one

Leidich A, Achiro L, Kwena ZA, McFarland W, Neilands TB, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Camlin CS

Cervical cancer screening through human papillomavirus testing in community health campaigns versus health facilities in rural western Kenya.

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Huchko MJ, Ibrahim S, Blat C, Cohen CR, Smith JS, Hiatt RA, Bukusi E

Marginalization and Community Perception of HIV Care, Treatment, and Support on Mfangano Island, Kenya.

Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action

Chang A, Fiorella KJ, Hickey MD, Salmen CR, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Auerswald CL

Gaps in the Child Tuberculosis Care Cascade in 32 Rural Communities in Uganda and Kenya.

Journal of clinical tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases

Mwangwa F, Chamie G, Kwarisiima D, Ayieko J, Owaraganise A, Ruel TD, Plenty A, Tram KH, Clark TD, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Petersen M, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Marquez C

Implementation of repeat HIV testing during pregnancy in southwestern Kenya: progress and missed opportunities.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Rogers AJ, Akama E, Weke E, Blackburn J, Owino G, Bukusi EA, Oyaro P, Kwena ZA, Cohen CR, Turan JM

Predictors of Retention in HIV Care Among Youth (15-24) in a Universal Test-and-Treat Setting in Rural Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Brown LB, Ayieko J, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Kwarisiima D, Jain V, Ruel T, Clark T, Black D, Chamie G, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV

High rates of viral suppression in adults and children with high CD4+ counts using a streamlined ART delivery model in the SEARCH trial in rural Uganda and Kenya.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Kwarisiima D, Kamya MR, Owaraganise A, Mwangwa F, Byonanebye DM, Ayieko J, Plenty A, Black D, Clark TD, Nzarubara B, Snyman K, Brown L, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Geng EH, Charlebois ED, Ruel TD, Petersen ML, Havlir D, Jain V

Efficacy of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV among women with abnormal vaginal microbiota: a post-hoc analysis of the randomised, placebo-controlled Partners PrEP Study.

The lancet. HIV

Heffron R, McClelland RS, Balkus JE, Celum C, Cohen CR, Mugo N, Bukusi E, Donnell D, Lingappa J, Kiarie J, Fiedler T, Munch M, Fredricks DN, Baeten JM, Partners PrEP Study Team

Association of Implementation of a Universal Testing and Treatment Intervention With HIV Diagnosis, Receipt of Antiretroviral Therapy, and Viral Suppression in East Africa.


Petersen M, Balzer L, Kwarsiima D, Sang N, Chamie G, Ayieko J, Kabami J, Owaraganise A, Liegler T, Mwangwa F, Kadede K, Jain V, Plenty A, Brown L, Lavoy G, Schwab J, Black D, van der Laan M, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Clark TD, Charlebois E, Kamya M, Havlir D

Erratum to: A Qualitative Investigation of the Impact of a Livelihood Intervention on Gendered Power and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among HIV-Positive Adults in Rural Kenya.

Archives of sexual behavior

Zakaras JM, Weiser SD, Hatcher AM, Weke E, Burger RL, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Dworkin SL

High Mobility and HIV Prevalence Among Female Market Traders in East Africa in 2014.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Camlin CS, El Ayadi AM, Kwena ZA, McFarland W, Johnson MO, Neilands TB, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Integration of family planning services into HIV care clinics: Results one year after a cluster randomized controlled trial in Kenya.

PloS one

Cohen CR, Grossman D, Onono M, Blat C, Newmann SJ, Burger RL, Shade SB, Bett N, Bukusi EA

Factors associated with mother to child transmission of HIV despite overall low transmission rates in HIV-exposed infants in rural Kenya.

International journal of STD & AIDS

Okoko NA, Owuor KO, Kulzer JL, Owino GO, Ogolla IA, Wandera RW, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Abuogi LL

Changes in Health and Antiretroviral Adherence Among HIV-Infected Adults in Kenya: Qualitative Longitudinal Findings from a Livelihood Intervention.

AIDS and behavior

Weiser SD, Hatcher AM, Hufstedler LL, Weke E, Dworkin SL, Bukusi EA, Burger RL, Kodish S, Grede N, Butler LM, Cohen CR

A Livelihood Intervention to Reduce the Stigma of HIV in Rural Kenya: Longitudinal Qualitative Study.

AIDS and behavior

Tsai AC, Hatcher AM, Bukusi EA, Weke E, Lemus Hufstedler L, Dworkin SL, Kodish S, Cohen CR, Weiser SD

Brief Report: Sexual Violence Against HIV-Positive Women in the Nyanza Region of Kenya: Is Condom Negotiation an Instigator?

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Onu CC, Dworkin SL, Ongeri LG, Oyaro P, Neylan TC, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Rota G, Meffert SM

Population levels and geographical distribution of HIV RNA in rural Ugandan and Kenyan communities, including serodiscordant couples: a cross-sectional analysis.

The lancet. HIV

Jain V, Petersen ML, Liegler T, Byonanebye DM, Kwarisiima D, Chamie G, Sang N, Black D, Clark TD, Ladai A, Plenty A, Kabami J, Ssemmondo E, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Charlebois ED, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, SEARCH Collaboration

A Qualitative Study of Substance use during Pregnancy: Implications for Reproductive Healthcare in Western Kenya.

African Journal of Reproductive Health

Yotebieng KA, Agot K, Rota G, Cohen CR, Syvertsen JL

High levels of retention in care with streamlined care and universal test and treat in East Africa.

AIDS (London, England)

Brown LB, Havlir DV, Ayieko J, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Kwarisiima D, Jain V, Ruel T, Clark T, Chamie G, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, SEARCH Collaboration

Implementation and Operational Research: Cost and Efficiency of a Hybrid Mobile Multidisease Testing Approach With High HIV Testing Coverage in East Africa.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Chang W, Chamie G, Mwai D, Clark TD, Thirumurthy H, Charlebois ED, Petersen M, Kabami J, Ssemmondo E, Kadede K, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Kamya M, Havlir DV, Kahn JG

Intimate Partner Violence and Adherence to HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in African Women in HIV Serodiscordant Relationships: A Prospective Cohort Study.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Roberts ST, Haberer J, Celum C, Mugo N, Ware NC, Cohen CR, Tappero JW, Kiarie J, Ronald A, Mujugira A, Tumwesigye E, Were E, Irungu E, Baeten JM, Partners PrEP Study Team

Microbiome Composition and Function Drives Wound-Healing Impairment in the Female Genital Tract.

PLoS pathogens

Zevin AS, Xie IY, Birse K, Arnold K, Romas L, Westmacott G, Novak RM, McCorrister S, McKinnon LR, Cohen CR, Mackelprang R, Lingappa J, Lauffenburger DA, Klatt NR, Burgener AD

Increased adolescent HIV testing with a hybrid mobile strategy in Uganda and Kenya.

AIDS (London, England)

Kadede K, Ruel T, Kabami J, Ssemmondo E, Sang N, Kwarisiima D, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Liegler T, Clark TD, Charlebois ED, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Chamie G, SEARCH team

Facility-Level Factors Influencing Retention of Patients in HIV Care in East Africa.

PloS one

Rachlis B, Bakoyannis G, Easterbrook P, Genberg B, Braithwaite RS, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kambugu A, Bwana MB, Somi GR, Geng EH, Musick B, Yiannoutsos CT, Wools-Kaloustian K, Braitstein P

A Qualitative Investigation of the Impact of a Livelihood Intervention on Gendered Power and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among HIV-Positive Adults in Rural Kenya.

Archives of sexual behavior

Zakaras JM, Weiser SD, Hatcher AM, Weke E, Burger RL, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Dworkin SL

Implementation of repeat HIV testing during pregnancy in Kenya: a qualitative study.

BMC pregnancy and childbirth

Rogers AJ, Weke E, Kwena Z, Bukusi EA, Oyaro P, Cohen CR, Turan JM

The National Institutes of Health Fogarty International Center Global Health Scholars and Fellows Program: Collaborating Across Five Consortia to Strengthen Research Training.

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene

Zunt JR, Chi BH, Heimburger DC, Cohen CR, Strathdee S, Hobbs N, Thomas Y, Bale K, Salisbury K, Hernandez MT, Riley LW, Vermund SH, van der Horst C

Movement between facilities for HIV care among a mobile population in Kenya: transfer, loss to follow-up, and reengagement.

AIDS care

Hickey MD, Omollo D, Salmen CR, Mattah B, Blat C, Ouma GB, Fiorella KJ, Njoroge B, Gandhi M, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Geng EH

Treatment Buddies Improve Clinic Attendance among Women but Not Men on Antiretroviral Therapy in the Nyanza Region of Kenya.

AIDS research and treatment

Kibaara C, Blat C, Lewis-Kulzer J, Shade S, Mbullo P, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA

A hybrid mobile approach for population-wide HIV testing in rural east Africa: an observational study.

The lancet. HIV

Chamie G, Clark TD, Kabami J, Kadede K, Ssemmondo E, Steinfeld R, Lavoy G, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Jain V, Thirumurthy H, Liegler T, Balzer LB, Petersen ML, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Charlebois ED

"How can I tell?" Consequences of HIV status disclosure among couples in eastern African communities in the context of an ongoing HIV "test-and-treat" trial.

AIDS care

Maeri I, El Ayadi A, Getahun M, Charlebois E, Akatukwasa C, Tumwebaze D, Itiakorit H, Owino L, Kwarisiima D, Ssemmondo E, Sang N, Kabami J, Clark TD, Petersen M, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya M, Havlir D, Camlin CS, SEARCH Collaboration

Expectations about future health and longevity in Kenyan and Ugandan communities receiving a universal test-and-treat intervention in the SEARCH trial.

AIDS care

Thirumurthy H, Jakubowski A, Camlin C, Kabami J, Ssemmondo E, Elly A, Mwai D, Clark T, Cohen C, Bukusi E, Kamya M, Petersen M, Havlir D, Charlebois ED

Men "missing" from population-based HIV testing: insights from qualitative research.

AIDS care

Camlin CS, Ssemmondo E, Chamie G, El Ayadi AM, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Kabami J, Charlebois E, Petersen M, Clark TD, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, R Kamya M, Havlir D, SEARCH Collaboration

A Scoring Tool to Identify East African HIV-1 Serodiscordant Partnerships with a High Likelihood of Pregnancy.

PloS one

Heffron R, Cohen CR, Ngure K, Bukusi E, Were E, Kiarie J, Mugo N, Celum C, Baeten JM, Partners PrEP Study, the Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study, and the Partners Demonst

"Wan Kanyakla" (We are together): Community transformations in Kenya following a social network intervention for HIV care.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Salmen CR, Hickey MD, Fiorella KJ, Omollo D, Ouma G, Zoughbie D, Salmen MR, Magerenge R, Tessler R, Campbell H, Geng E, Gandhi M, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

A discussion of key values to inform the design and delivery of services for HIV-affected women and couples attempting pregnancy in resource-constrained settings.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Heffron R, Davies N, Cooke I, Kaida A, Mergler R, van der Poel S, Cohen CR, Mmeje O

Achieving Pregnancy Safely in HIV-Affected Individuals and Couples: An Important Strategy to Eliminate HIV Transmission From Mother-To-Child and Between Sexual Partners.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Mmeje O, Njoroge B, Cohen CR, Temmerman M, Vermund SH, van der Poel S

Pregnancy rates in HIV-positive women using contraceptives and efavirenz-based or nevirapine-based antiretroviral therapy in Kenya: a retrospective cohort study.

The lancet. HIV

Patel RC, Onono M, Gandhi M, Blat C, Hagey J, Shade SB, Vittinghoff E, Bukusi EA, Newmann SJ, Cohen CR

Integrating family planning into HIV care in western Kenya: HIV care providers' perspectives and experiences one year following integration.

AIDS care

Newmann SJ, Zakaras JM, Tao AR, Onono M, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Steinfeld R, Grossman D

Shamba Maisha: randomized controlled trial of an agricultural and finance intervention to improve HIV health outcomes.

AIDS (London, England)

Weiser SD, Bukusi EA, Steinfeld RL, Frongillo EA, Weke E, Dworkin SL, Pusateri K, Shiboski S, Scow K, Butler LM, Cohen CR

Implementation and Operational Research: Effects of Antenatal Care and HIV Treatment Integration on Elements of the PMTCT Cascade: Results From the SHAIP Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial in Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Turan JM, Onono M, Steinfeld RL, Shade SB, Owuor K, Washington S, Bukusi EA, Ackers ML, Kioko J, Interis EC, Cohen CR

Implementation and Operational Research: Pulling the Network Together: Quasiexperimental Trial of a Patient-Defined Support Network Intervention for Promoting Engagement in HIV Care and Medication Adherence on Mfangano Island, Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Hickey MD, Salmen CR, Omollo D, Mattah B, Fiorella KJ, Geng EH, Bacchetti P, Blat C, Ouma GB, Zoughbie D, Tessler RA, Salmen MR, Campbell H, Gandhi M, Shade S, Njoroge B, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

The feasibility, time savings and economic impact of a designated time appointment system at a busy HIV care clinic in Kenya: a randomized controlled trial.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Kwena ZA, Njoroge BW, Cohen CR, Oyaro P, Shikari R, Kibaara CK, Bukusi EA

'Women now wear trousers': men's perceptions of family planning in the context of changing gender relations in western Kenya.

Culture, health & sexuality

Withers M, Dworkin SL, Zakaras JM, Onono M, Oyier B, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Grossman D, Newmann SJ

Men's Perspectives on Their Role in Family Planning in Nyanza Province, Kenya.

Studies in family planning

Withers M, Dworkin SL, Onono M, Oyier B, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Newmann SJ

Outcomes Up to 12 Months After Treatment With Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Among HIV-Infected Women.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Huchko MJ, Leslie H, Maloba M, Zakaras J, Bukusi E, Cohen CR

Toll-like receptor gene variants and bacterial vaginosis among HIV-1 infected and uninfected African women.

Genes and immunity

Mackelprang RD, Scoville CW, Cohen CR, Ondondo RO, Bigham AW, Celum C, Campbell MS, Essex M, Wald A, Kiarie J, Ronald A, Gray G, Lingappa JR, Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study Team

Shamba Maisha: Pilot agricultural intervention for food security and HIV health outcomes in Kenya: design, methods, baseline results and process evaluation of a cluster-randomized controlled trial.


Cohen CR, Steinfeld RL, Weke E, Bukusi EA, Hatcher AM, Shiboski S, Rheingans R, Scow KM, Butler LM, Otieno P, Dworkin SL, Weiser SD

Around the Table: Food Insecurity, Socioeconomic Status, and Instrumental Social Support among Women Living in a Rural Kenyan Island Community.

Ecology of food and nutrition

Nagata JM, Fiorella KJ, Salmen CR, Hickey MD, Mattah B, Magerenge R, Milner EM, Weiser SD, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

HIV, violence and women: unmet mental health care needs.

Journal of affective disorders

Zunner B, Dworkin SL, Neylan TC, Bukusi EA, Oyaro P, Cohen CR, Abwok M, Meffert SM

HIV-positive status disclosure and use of essential PMTCT and maternal health services in rural Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Spangler SA, Onono M, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Turan JM

Plasma cytokine levels and risk of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) transmission and acquisition: a nested case-control study among HIV-1-serodiscordant couples.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Kahle EM, Bolton M, Hughes JP, Donnell D, Celum C, Lingappa JR, Ronald A, Cohen CR, de Bruyn G, Fong Y, Katabira E, McElrath MJ, Baeten JM, Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study Team

Association between male circumcision and incidence of syphilis in men and women: a prospective study in HIV-1 serodiscordant heterosexual African couples.

The Lancet. Global health

Pintye J, Baeten JM, Manhart LE, Celum C, Ronald A, Mugo N, Mujugira A, Cohen C, Were E, Bukusi E, Kiarie J, Heffron R, Partners PrEP Study Team

Fishing for Food? Analyzing links between fishing livelihoods and food security around Lake Victoria, Kenya.

Food security

Fiorella KJ, Hickey MD, Salmen CR, Nagata JM, Mattah B, Magerenge R, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Brashares JS, Fernald LH

Single-agent tenofovir versus combination emtricitabine plus tenofovir for pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV-1 acquisition: an update of data from a randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial.

The Lancet. Infectious diseases

Baeten JM, Donnell D, Mugo NR, Ndase P, Thomas KK, Campbell JD, Wangisi J, Tappero JW, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Katabira E, Ronald A, Tumwesigye E, Were E, Fife KH, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, John-Stewart G, Kidoguchi L, Coombs RW, Hendrix C, Marzinke MA, Frenkel L, Haberer JE, Bangsberg D, Celum C, Partners PrEP Study Team

High medication adherence during periconception periods among HIV-1-uninfected women participating in a clinical trial of antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Matthews LT, Heffron R, Mugo NR, Cohen CR, Hendrix CW, Celum C, Bangsberg DR, Baeten JM, Partners PrEP Study Team

Antiretroviral concentrations in small hair samples as a feasible marker of adherence in rural Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Hickey MD, Salmen CR, Tessler RA, Omollo D, Bacchetti P, Magerenge R, Mattah B, Salmen MR, Zoughbie D, Fiorella KJ, Geng E, Njoroge B, Jin C, Huang Y, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Gandhi M

HIV-positive men's experiences with integrated family planning and HIV services in western Kenya: integration fosters male involvement.

AIDS patient care and STDs

Patel R, Baum S, Grossman D, Steinfeld R, Onono M, Cohen C, Bukusi E, Newmann S

Accuracy of visual inspection with acetic acid to detect cervical cancer precursors among HIV-infected women in Kenya.

International journal of cancer

Huchko MJ, Sneden J, Sawaya G, Smith-McCune K, Maloba M, Abdulrahim N, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Factors associated with recurrence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2+ after treatment among HIV-infected women in Western Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Huchko MJ, Leslie H, Maloba M, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

HIV serostatus and disclosure: implications for infant feeding practice in rural south Nyanza, Kenya.

BMC public health

Onono MA, Cohen CR, Jerop M, Bukusi EA, Turan JM

World Health Organization's stage 4 conditions among adults accessing outpatient HIV care: a retrospective cohort study in Kisumu, Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Owiti PO, Penner J, Oyanga A, Huchko M, Onchiri FM, Cohen C, Bukusi EA

Descriptive characteristics and health outcomes of the food by prescription nutrition supplementation program for adults living with HIV in Nyanza Province, Kenya.

PloS one

Nagata JM, Cohen CR, Young SL, Wamuyu C, Armes MN, Otieno BO, Leslie HH, Dandu M, Stewart CC, Bukusi EA, Weiser SD

A comparison of two visual inspection methods for cervical cancer screening among HIV-infected women in Kenya.

Bulletin of the World Health Organization

Huchko MJ, Sneden J, Leslie HH, Abdulrahim N, Maloba M, Bukusi E, Cohen CR

Evaluation and Utility of a Family Information Table to Identify and Test Children at Risk for HIV in Kenya.

International journal of MCH and AIDS

Meyer M, Elmer-DeWitt M, Blat C, Shade SB, Kapule I, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Abuogi L

Impact of family planning health talks by lay health workers on contraceptive knowledge and attitudes among HIV-infected patients in rural Kenya.

Patient education and counseling

Onono M, Blat C, Miles S, Steinfeld R, Wekesa P, Bukusi EA, Owuor K, Grossman D, Cohen CR, Newmann SJ

Intersection of HIV and Reproductive Health.

AIDS research and treatment

Cohen CR, Bukusi E, Rees H, Blanchard K

"She mixes her business": HIV transmission and acquisition risks among female migrants in western Kenya.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Camlin CS, Kwena ZA, Dworkin SL, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA

Cost, cost-efficiency and cost-effectiveness of integrated family planning and HIV services.

AIDS (London, England)

Shade SB, Kevany S, Onono M, Ochieng G, Steinfeld RL, Grossman D, Newmann SJ, Blat C, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Integration of family planning services into HIV care and treatment in Kenya: a cluster-randomized trial.

AIDS (London, England)

Grossman D, Onono M, Newmann SJ, Blat C, Bukusi EA, Shade SB, Steinfeld RL, Cohen CR

Risk factors for cervical precancer detection among previously unscreened HIV-infected women in Western Kenya.

International journal of cancer

Huchko MJ, Leslie H, Sneden J, Maloba M, Abdulrahim N, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Prevalence, characteristics, and outcomes of HIV-positive women diagnosed with invasive cancer of the cervix in Kenya.

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Mungo C, Cohen CR, Maloba M, Bukusi EA, Huchko MJ

Screening for HIV-associated peripheral neuropathy in resource-limited settings.

Muscle & nerve

Cettomai D, Kwasa JK, Birbeck GL, Price RW, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kendi C, Meyer AC

Does integrating family planning into HIV care and treatment impact intention to use contraception? Patient perspectives from HIV-infected individuals in Nyanza Province, Kenya.

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Newmann SJ, Grossman D, Blat C, Onono M, Steinfeld R, Bukusi EA, Shade S, Cohen CR

Fertility intentions among HIV-infected, sero-concordant couples in Nyanza province, Kenya.

Culture, health & sexuality

Withers M, Dworkin S, Harrington E, Kwena Z, Onono M, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Grossman D, Newmann SJ

Is there an association between HIV-1 genital shedding and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2/3 among women on antiretroviral therapy?

Journal of lower genital tract disease

Huchko MJ, Woo V, Liegler T, Leddy A, Smith-McCune K, Sawaya GF, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Effect of the levonorgestrel intrauterine device on genital HIV-1 RNA shedding among HIV-1-infected women not taking antiretroviral therapy in Nairobi, Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Coleman JS, Mwachari C, Balkus J, Sanguli L, Muliro A, Agnew K, Coombs RW, Cohen CR, Hitti J

Association of cervical biopsy with HIV type 1 genital shedding among women on highly active antiretroviral therapy.

AIDS research and human retroviruses

Woo VG, Liegler T, Cohen CR, Sawaya GF, Smith-McCune K, Bukusi EA, Huchko MJ

Integration of HIV Care with Primary Health Care Services: Effect on Patient Satisfaction and Stigma in Rural Kenya.

AIDS research and treatment

Odeny TA, Penner J, Lewis-Kulzer J, Leslie HH, Shade SB, Adero W, Kioko J, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA

Providers' Perspectives on Provision of Family Planning to HIV-Positive Individuals in HIV Care in Nyanza Province, Kenya.

AIDS research and treatment

Newmann SJ, Mishra K, Onono M, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Gage O, Odeny R, Schwartz KD, Grossman D

Overcoming Barriers to Family Planning through Integration: Perspectives of HIV-Positive Men in Nyanza Province, Kenya.

AIDS research and treatment

Steinfeld RL, Newmann SJ, Onono M, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Grossman D

Socio-demographic and health associations with body mass index at the time of enrollment in HIV care in Nyanza Province, Kenya.

AIDS care

Nagata JM, Fiorella KJ, Young SL, Otieno OD, Kapule I, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Associations between genital tract infections, genital tract inflammation, and cervical cytobrush HIV-1 DNA in US versus Kenyan women.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Mitchell C, Balkus JE, McKernan-Mullin J, Cohn SE, Luque AE, Mwachari C, Cohen CR, Coombs R, Frenkel LM, Hitti J

How perceptions of HIV-related stigma affect decision-making regarding childbirth in rural Kenya.

PloS one

Medema-Wijnveen JS, Onono M, Bukusi EA, Miller S, Cohen CR, Turan JM

Interaction between lactobacilli, bacterial vaginosis-associated bacteria, and HIV Type 1 RNA and DNA Genital shedding in U.S. and Kenyan women.

AIDS research and human retroviruses

Mitchell C, Balkus JE, Fredricks D, Liu C, McKernan-Mullin J, Frenkel LM, Mwachari C, Luque A, Cohn SE, Cohen CR, Coombs R, Hitti J

Predictors of outcome in routine care for Cryptococcal meningitis in Western Kenya: lessons for HIV outpatient care in resource-limited settings.

Postgraduate medical journal

Kendi C, Penner J, Koech J, Nyonda M, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Ngugi E, Meyer AC

Diaphragm used with replens gel and risk of bacterial vaginosis: results from a randomized controlled trial.

Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology

Cohen CR, Cheng SC, Shiboski S, Chipato T, Matu M, Mwangi J, Mutimutema ME, Tuveson J, Kamba M, Padian N, van der Straten A

The study of HIV and antenatal care integration in pregnancy in Kenya: design, methods, and baseline results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial.

PloS one

Turan JM, Steinfeld RL, Onono M, Bukusi EA, Woods M, Shade SB, Washington S, Marima R, Penner J, Ackers ML, Mbori-Ngacha D, Cohen CR

Trypan blue staining to determine vaginal exposure in two types of plastic vaginal applicators containing two different microbicide formulations.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Hemmerling A, Harrison WG, Brown JM, Moscicki B, Oziemkowska M, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

The role of HIV-related stigma in utilization of skilled childbirth services in rural Kenya: a prospective mixed-methods study.

PLoS medicine

Turan JM, Hatcher AH, Medema-Wijnveen J, Onono M, Miller S, Bukusi EA, Turan B, Cohen CR

Fertility intentions and interest in integrated family planning services among women living with HIV in Nyanza Province, Kenya: a qualitative study.

Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology

Harrington EK, Newmann SJ, Onono M, Schwartz KD, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Grossman D

Antiretroviral prophylaxis for HIV prevention in heterosexual men and women.

The New England journal of medicine

Baeten JM, Donnell D, Ndase P, Mugo NR, Campbell JD, Wangisi J, Tappero JW, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Katabira E, Ronald A, Tumwesigye E, Were E, Fife KH, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, John-Stewart G, Kakia A, Odoyo J, Mucunguzi A, Nakku-Joloba E, Twesigye R, Ngure K, Apaka C, Tamooh H, Gabona F, Mujugira A, Panteleeff D, Thomas KK, Kidoguchi L, Krows M, Revall J, Morrison S, Haugen H, Emmanuel-Ogier M, Ondrejcek L, Coombs RW, Frenkel L, Hendrix C, Bumpus NN, Bangsberg D, Haberer JE, Stevens WS, Lingappa JR, Celum C, Partners PrEP Study Team

Predictors of linkage to care following community-based HIV counseling and testing in rural Kenya.

AIDS and behavior

Hatcher AM, Turan JM, Leslie HH, Kanya LW, Kwena Z, Johnson MO, Shade SB, Bukusi EA, Doyen A, Cohen CR

Bacterial vaginosis associated with increased risk of female-to-male HIV-1 transmission: a prospective cohort analysis among African couples.

PLoS medicine

Cohen CR, Lingappa JR, Baeten JM, Ngayo MO, Spiegel CA, Hong T, Donnell D, Celum C, Kapiga S, Delany S, Bukusi EA

Meeting an unmet need for family planning.

BMJ (Clinical research ed.)

Yamey G, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA

Exploring a road map to counter misconceptions about the cervicovaginal microbiome and disease.

Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.)

Macklaim JM, Cohen CR, Donders G, Gloor GB, Hill JE, Parham GP, Ravel J, Spear G, van de Wijgert J, Reid G

Towards Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: The Impact of a Rapid Results Initiative in Nyanza Province, Kenya.

AIDS research and treatment

Dillabaugh LL, Lewis Kulzer J, Owuor K, Ndege V, Oyanga A, Ngugi E, Shade SB, Bukusi E, Cohen CR

Lessons learned developing a diagnostic tool for HIV-associated dementia feasible to implement in resource-limited settings: pilot testing in Kenya.

PloS one

Kwasa J, Cettomai D, Lwanya E, Osiemo D, Oyaro P, Birbeck GL, Price RW, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Meyer AC

Family model of HIV care and treatment: a retrospective study in Kenya.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Lewis Kulzer J, Penner JA, Marima R, Oyaro P, Oyanga AO, Shade SB, Blat CC, Nyabiage L, Mwachari CW, Muttai HC, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Contraceptive method and pregnancy incidence among women in HIV-1-serodiscordant partnerships.

AIDS (London, England)

Ngure K, Heffron R, Mugo NR, Celum C, Cohen CR, Odoyo J, Rees H, Kiarie JN, Were E, Baeten JM, Partners in Prevention HSVHIV Transmission Study Team

Measurement of mucosal biomarkers in a phase 1 trial of intravaginal 3% StarPharma LTD 7013 gel (VivaGel) to assess expanded safety.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Moscicki AB, Kaul R, Ma Y, Scott ME, Daud II, Bukusi EA, Shiboski S, Rebbapragada A, Huibner S, Cohen CR

Patient satisfaction with integrated HIV and antenatal care services in rural Kenya.

AIDS care

Vo BN, Cohen CR, Smith RM, Bukusi EA, Onono MA, Schwartz K, Washington S, Turan JM

Prevalence of forced sex and associated factors among women and men in Kisumu, Kenya.

African Journal of Reproductive Health

Adudans MK, Montandon M, Kwena Z, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Conceptual framework for understanding the bidirectional links between food insecurity and HIV/AIDS.

The American journal of clinical nutrition

Weiser SD, Young SL, Cohen CR, Kushel MB, Tsai AC, Tien PC, Hatcher AM, Frongillo EA, Bangsberg DR

Effects of bacterial vaginosis-associated bacteria and sexual intercourse on vaginal colonization with the probiotic Lactobacillus crispatus CTV-05.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Ngugi BM, Hemmerling A, Bukusi EA, Kikuvi G, Gikunju J, Shiboski S, Fredricks DN, Cohen CR

Characteristics of HIV-1 serodiscordant couples enrolled in a clinical trial of antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV-1 prevention.

PloS one

Mujugira A, Baeten JM, Donnell D, Ndase P, Mugo NR, Barnes L, Campbell JD, Wangisi J, Tappero JW, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Katabira E, Ronald A, Tumwesigye E, Were E, Fife KH, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, John-Stewart G, Kidoguchi L, Panteleeff D, Krows M, Shah H, Revall J, Morrison S, Ondrejcek L, Ingram C, Coombs RW, Lingappa JR, Celum C, Partners PrEP Study Team

Author's reply: most HIV Transmission in sub-Saharan Africa occurs through sex.

American journal of reproductive immunology (New York, N.Y. : 1989)

Kaul R, Cohen CR, Anzala O, Kimani J

Trends in the clinical characteristics of HIV-infected patients initiating antiretroviral therapy in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania between 2002 and 2009.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Geng EH, Hunt PW, Diero LO, Kimaiyo S, Somi GR, Okong P, Bangsberg DR, Bwana MB, Cohen CR, Otieno JA, Wabwire D, Elul B, Nash D, Easterbrook PJ, Braitstein P, Musick BS, Martin JN, Yiannoutsos CT, Wools-Kaloustian K

Increased risk of HIV-1 transmission in pregnancy: a prospective study among African HIV-1-serodiscordant couples.

AIDS (London, England)

Mugo NR, Heffron R, Donnell D, Wald A, Were EO, Rees H, Celum C, Kiarie JN, Cohen CR, Kayintekore K, Baeten JM, Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study Team

Endometrial histopathology in patients with laparoscopic proven salpingitis and HIV-1 infection.

Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology

Mugo NR, Kiehlbauch J, Kiviat N, Nguti R, Gichuhi JW, Stamm WE, Cohen CR

HIV/AIDS stigma and refusal of HIV testing among pregnant women in rural Kenya: results from the MAMAS Study.

AIDS and behavior

Turan JM, Bukusi EA, Onono M, Holzemer WL, Miller S, Cohen CR

Topical penile microbicide use by men to prevent recurrent bacterial vaginosis in sex partners: a randomized clinical trial.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Bukusi E, Thomas KK, Nguti R, Cohen CR, Weiss N, Coombs RW, Holmes KK

Building capacity for cervical cancer screening in outpatient HIV clinics in the Nyanza province of western Kenya.

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Huchko MJ, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Evaluating the uptake, acceptability, and effectiveness of Uliza! clinicians' HIV hotline: a telephone consultation service in Kenya.

Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association

Karari C, Tittle R, Penner J, Kulzer J, Bukusi EA, Marima R, Cohen CR

Medical pluralism on Mfangano Island: use of medicinal plants among persons living with HIV/AIDS in Suba District, Kenya.

Journal of ethnopharmacology

Nagata JM, Jew AR, Kimeu JM, Salmen CR, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Probiotics: the potential for a live microbicide to prevent HIV.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Hemmerling A, Cohen CR

Biological factors that may contribute to regional and racial disparities in HIV prevalence.

American journal of reproductive immunology (New York, N.Y. : 1989)

Kaul R, Cohen CR, Chege D, Yi TJ, Tharao W, McKinnon LR, Remis R, Anzala O, Kimani J

Phase 2a study assessing colonization efficiency, safety, and acceptability of Lactobacillus crispatus CTV-05 in women with bacterial vaginosis.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Hemmerling A, Harrison W, Schroeder A, Park J, Korn A, Shiboski S, Foster-Rosales A, Cohen CR

Increased levels of immune activation in the genital tract of healthy young women from sub-Saharan Africa.

AIDS (London, England)

Cohen CR, Moscicki AB, Scott ME, Ma Y, Shiboski S, Bukusi E, Daud I, Rebbapragada A, Brown J, Kaul R

Fishermen as a Suitable Population for HIV Intervention Trials.

AIDS research and treatment

Kwena ZA, Cohen CR, Sang NM, Ng'ayo MO, Ochieng JH, Bukusi EA

Stigma as experienced by women accessing prevention of parent-to-child transmission of HIV services in Karnataka, India.

AIDS care

Rahangdale L, Banandur P, Sreenivas A, Turan JM, Washington R, Cohen CR

Heterosexual HIV-1 transmission after initiation of antiretroviral therapy: a prospective cohort analysis.

Lancet (London, England)

Donnell D, Baeten JM, Kiarie J, Thomas KK, Stevens W, Cohen CR, McIntyre J, Lingappa JR, Celum C, Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study Team

Daily acyclovir for HIV-1 disease progression in people dually infected with HIV-1 and herpes simplex virus type 2: a randomised placebo-controlled trial.

Lancet (London, England)

Lingappa JR, Baeten JM, Wald A, Hughes JP, Thomas KK, Mujugira A, Mugo N, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Katabira E, Ronald A, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, Stewart GJ, Makhema J, Essex M, Were E, Fife KH, de Bruyn G, Gray GE, McIntyre JA, Manongi R, Kapiga S, Coetzee D, Allen S, Inambao M, Kayitenkore K, Karita E, Kanweka W, Delany S, Rees H, Vwalika B, Magaret AS, Wang RS, Kidoguchi L, Barnes L, Ridzon R, Corey L, Celum C, Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study Team

Acyclovir and transmission of HIV-1 from persons infected with HIV-1 and HSV-2.

The New England journal of medicine

Celum C, Wald A, Lingappa JR, Magaret AS, Wang RS, Mugo N, Mujugira A, Baeten JM, Mullins JI, Hughes JP, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Katabira E, Ronald A, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, Stewart GJ, Makhema J, Essex M, Were E, Fife KH, de Bruyn G, Gray GE, McIntyre JA, Manongi R, Kapiga S, Coetzee D, Allen S, Inambao M, Kayitenkore K, Karita E, Kanweka W, Delany S, Rees H, Vwalika B, Stevens W, Campbell MS, Thomas KK, Coombs RW, Morrow R, Whittington WL, McElrath MJ, Barnes L, Ridzon R, Corey L, Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study Team

Phase 1 dose-ranging safety trial of Lactobacillus crispatus CTV-05 for the prevention of bacterial vaginosis.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Hemmerling A, Harrison W, Schroeder A, Park J, Korn A, Shiboski S, Cohen CR

Characteristics of HIV-1 discordant couples enrolled in a trial of HSV-2 suppression to reduce HIV-1 transmission: the partners study.

PloS one

Lingappa JR, Kahle E, Mugo N, Mujugira A, Magaret A, Baeten J, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Katabira E, Ronald A, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, Stewart GJ, Makhema J, Essex M, Were E, Fife K, Debruyn G, Gray G, McIntyre J, Manongi R, Kapiga S, Coetzee D, Allen S, Inambao M, Kayitenkore K, Karita E, Kanweka W, Delany S, Rees H, Vwalika B, Coombs RW, Morrow R, Whittington W, Corey L, Wald A, Celum C, Partners HSV-2/HIV-1 Transmission Study Team

Association of attitudes and beliefs towards antiretroviral therapy with HIV-seroprevalence in the general population of Kisumu, Kenya.

PloS one

Cohen CR, Montandon M, Carrico AW, Shiboski S, Bostrom A, Obure A, Kwena Z, Bailey RC, Nguti R, Bukusi EA

Sexuality, HIV risk and potential acceptability of involving adolescent girls in microbicide research in Kisumu, Kenya.

Sexual health

Montandon M, Sahin-Hodoglugil NN, Bukusi E, Agot K, Boland B, Cohen CR

Effects of HIV/AIDS on maternity care providers in Kenya.

Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN

Turan JM, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Sande J, Miller S

Prevalence and correlates of bacterial vaginosis among young women of reproductive age in Mysore, India.

Indian journal of medical microbiology

Madhivanan P, Krupp K, Chandrasekaran V, Karat C, Arun A, Cohen CR, Reingold AL, Klausner JD

Sexual identity and risk of HIV/STI among men who have sex with men in Nairobi.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sharma A, Bukusi E, Gorbach P, Cohen CR, Muga C, Kwena Z, Holmes KK

Probiotics: potential to prevent HIV and sexually transmitted infections in women.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Bolton M, van der Straten A, Cohen CR

Validation of a new clinical scoring system for acute bronchitis.

The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Mwachari C, Nduba V, Nguti R, Park DR, Sanguli L, Cohen CR

Sustained changes in sexual behavior by female sex workers after completion of a randomized HIV prevention trial.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Ngugi EN, Chakkalackal M, Sharma A, Bukusi E, Njoroge B, Kimani J, MacDonald KS, Bwayo JJ, Cohen CR, Moses S, Kaul R, Kibera HIV Study Group

Mycoplasma genitalium infection and persistence in a cohort of female sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Cohen CR, Nosek M, Meier A, Astete SG, Iverson-Cabral S, Mugo NR, Totten PA

Diarrheal disease among HIV-infected adults in Karnataka, India: evaluation of risk factors and etiology.

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene

Becker ML, Cohen CR, Cheang M, Washington RG, Blanchard JF, Moses S

Safety, acceptability, and tolerability of 3 topical microbicides among heterosexual Kenyan men.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Bukusi EA, Steele M, Cohen CR, Nguti R, Maingi CW, Thomas KK, Holmes KK

Infectious correlates of HIV-1 shedding in the female upper and lower genital tracts.

AIDS (London, England)

Coleman JS, Hitti J, Bukusi EA, Mwachari C, Muliro A, Nguti R, Gausman R, Jensen S, Patton D, Lockhart D, Coombs R, Cohen CR

The ABCs of HIV prevention in men: associations with HIV risk and protective behaviors.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Steele MS, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Shell-Duncan BA, Holmes KK

Sex preparation and diaphragm acceptability in sex work in Nairobi, Kenya.

Sexual health

Sharma A, Bukusi E, Posner S, Feldman D, Ngugi E, Cohen CR

Independent association of hygiene, socioeconomic status, and circumcision with reduced risk of HIV infection among Kenyan men.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Meier AS, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Holmes KK

Bacterial vaginosis: risk factors among Kenyan women and their male partners.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Meier AS, Waiyaki PG, Nguti R, Njeri JN, Holmes KK

Clinical presentation among HIV-infected and non-infected adults with community acquired pneumonia in Nairobi.

The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Mwachari CW, Nduba VN, Park DR, Meier AS, Kariuki JN, Muyodi JA, Karimi F, Kigo A, Holmes KK, Cohen CR

Effect of human immunodeficiency virus-1 infection on treatment outcome of acute salpingitis.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Mugo NR, Kiehlbauch JA, Nguti R, Meier A, Gichuhi JW, Stamm WE, Cohen CR

Detection of Mycoplasma genitalium in women with laparoscopically diagnosed acute salpingitis.

Sexually transmitted infections

Cohen CR, Mugo NR, Astete SG, Odondo R, Manhart LE, Kiehlbauch JA, Stamm WE, Waiyaki PG, Totten PA

Immunoepidemiologic profile of Chlamydia trachomatis infection: importance of heat-shock protein 60 and interferon- gamma.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Cohen CR, Koochesfahani KM, Meier AS, Shen C, Karunakaran K, Ondondo B, Kinyari T, Mugo NR, Nguti R, Brunham RC

Effect of contraceptive methods on natural history of HIV: studies from the Mombasa cohort.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Baeten JM, Lavreys L, Sagar M, Kreiss JK, Richardson BA, Chohan B, Panteleeff D, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Overbaugh J, Farley T, Mwachari C, Cohen C, Chipato T, Jaisamrarn U, Kiriwat O, Duerr A

Male genital hygiene beliefs and practices in Nairobi, Kenya.

Sexually transmitted infections

Steele MS, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Shell-Duncan BA, Holmes KK

Detection of novel organisms associated with salpingitis, by use of 16S rDNA polymerase chain reaction.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Hebb JK, Cohen CR, Astete SG, Bukusi EA, Totten PA

Mortality and burden of disease in a cohort of HIV-seropositive adults in Nairobi, Kenya.

International journal of STD & AIDS

Mwachari CW, Shepherd BE, Cleopa O, Odhiambo JA, Cohen CR

Association of hormonal contraception and HIV-seroprevalence in Nairobi, Kenya.

AIDS (London, England)

Criniti A, Mwachari CW, Meier AS, Nduba V, Sanguli L, Ngumo JK, Cohen CR

Chronic diarrhoea in HIV-1-infected adults in Nairobi, Kenya: evaluation of risk factors and the WHO treatment algorithm.

AIDS (London, England)

Mwachari CW, Meier AS, Muyodi J, Gatei W, Waiyaki P, Cohen CR

Immunogenetic correlates for Chlamydia trachomatis-associated tubal infertility.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Cohen CR, Gichui J, Rukaria R, Sinei SS, Gaur LK, Brunham RC

Risk factors for pneumonia in urban-dwelling HIV-infected women: a case-control study in Nairobi, Kenya.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Penner J, Meier AS, Mwachari C, Ayuka F, Muchina B, Odhiambo J, Cohen CR

Etiology of persistent tubo-ovarian abscess in Nairobi, Kenya.

Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology

Cohen CR, Gravelle L, Symekher S, Waiyaki P, Stamm WE, Kiehlbauch JA

Association between Mycoplasma genitalium and acute endometritis.

Lancet (London, England)

Cohen CR, Manhart LE, Bukusi EA, Astete S, Brunham RC, Holmes KK, Sinei SK, Bwayo JJ, Totten PA

Respiratory tract infection in HIV-1-infected adults in Nairobi, Kenya: evaluation of risk factors and the world health organization treatment algorithm.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Mwachari CW, Cohen CR, Meier AS, Nganga LW, Kimari JN, Odhiambo JA

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected women exhibit reduced interferon-gamma secretion after Chlamydia trachomatis stimulation of peripheral blood lymphocytes.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Cohen CR, Nguti R, Bukusi EA, Lu H, Shen C, Luo M, Sinei S, Plummer F, Bwayo J, Brunham RC

Effects of human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection on microbial origins of pelvic inflammatory disease and on efficacy of ambulatory oral therapy.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Stevens CE, Sinei S, Reilly M, Grieco V, Eschenbach DA, Holmes KK, Bwayo J, Ndinya-Achola JO, Kreiss J

Increased interleukin-10 in the the endocervical secretions of women with non-ulcerative sexually transmitted diseases: a mechanism for enhanced HIV-1 transmission?

AIDS (London, England)

Cohen CR, Plummer FA, Mugo N, Maclean I, Shen C, Bukusi EA, Irungu E, Sinei S, Bwayo J, Brunham RC

Effect of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection upon acute salpingitis: a laparoscopic study.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Cohen CR, Sinei S, Reilly M, Bukusi E, Eschenbach D, Holmes KK, Ndinya-Achola JO, Bwayo J, Grieco V, Stamm W, Karanja J, Kreiss J

Bacterial vaginosis and HIV seroprevalence among female commercial sex workers in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

AIDS (London, England)

Cohen CR, Duerr A, Pruithithada N, Rugpao S, Hillier S, Garcia P, Nelson K