Antonia Biggs, PhD

Ob/Gyn, Reproductive Sciences
+1 415 353-4801

Accuracy of Survey-Based Assessment of Eligibility for Medication Abortion Compared to Clinician Assessment.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Ralph LJ, Ehrenreich K, Kaller S, Gurazada T, Biggs MA, Blanchard K, Hauser D, Kapp N, Kromenaker T, Moayedi G, Pinckney Gil J, Perritt JB, Raymond E, Taylor D, White K, Valladares ES, Williams S, Grossman D

Imagining Coat-Hangers and Pills: A Qualitative Exploration of Abortion Beliefs and Attitudes in Hostile Policy Contexts in the United States.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Schroeder R, Freedman LR, Becker A, Ahlbach C, Biggs MA

Changes in Support for Advance Provision and Over-the-Counter Access to Medication Abortion.

JAMA network open

Biggs MA, Schroeder R, Kaller S, Grossman D, Scott KA, Ralph LJ

Catastrophic Health Expenditures for In-State and Out-of-State Abortion Care.

JAMA network open

Wasser O, Ralph LJ, Kaller S, Biggs MA

Comparison of No-Test Telehealth and In-Person Medication Abortion.


Ralph LJ, Baba CF, Biggs MA, McNicholas C, Hagstrom Miller A, Grossman D

The Association of Experiences of Medical Mistrust and Mistreatment and Ever Considering Self-Managing an Abortion.


Adler A, Antonia Biggs M, Kaller S, Schroeder R, Prata N, Scott K, Ralph L

Young people's support for and personal interest in an advance provision model for medication abortion.

Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology

Biggs MA, Ehrenreich K, Morris N, Bachrach L, Crespin J, Grossman D

Mail-Order Pharmacy Dispensing of Mifepristone for Medication Abortion After In-Person Screening.

JAMA internal medicine

Grossman D, Raifman S, Morris N, Arena A, Bachrach L, Beaman J, Biggs MA, Collins A, Hannum C, Ho S, Seibold-Simpson SM, Sobota M, Tocce K, Schwarz EB, Gold M

Primary care and abortion provider perspectives on mail-order medication abortion: a qualitative study.

BMC women's health

Raifman S, Gurazada T, Beaman J, Biggs MA, Schwarz EB, Gold M, Grossman D

Self-Managed Abortion Attempts Before vs After Changes in Federal Abortion Protections in the US.

JAMA network open

Ralph L, Schroeder R, Kaller S, Grossman D, Biggs MA

Mandatory Warning Signs for Cannabis: Perspectives and Preferences of Pregnant and Recently Pregnant People Who Use Cannabis.

Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs

Gould H, Zaugg C, Biggs MA, Woodruff K, Long W, Mailman K, Vega J, Roberts SC

Abortion and mental health outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Campbell systematic reviews

Littell JH, Young S, Pigott TD, Biggs MA, Munk-Olsen T, Steinberg JR

Interest in and Support for Alternative Models of Medication Abortion Provision Among Patients Seeking Abortion in the United States.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Morris N, Biggs MA, Baba F, Seymour JW, White K, Grossman D

Failure of the Law to Grant Access to Legal Abortion in Chile.

Health equity

Suárez-Baquero DFM, Dzuba IG, Romero M, Baba CF, Biggs MA

Correcting the scientific record on abortion and mental health outcomes.

BMJ (Clinical research ed.)

Littell JH, Abel KM, Biggs MA, Blum RW, Foster DG, Haddad LB, Major B, Munk-Olsen T, Polis CB, Robinson GE, Rocca CH, Russo NF, Steinberg JR, Stewart DE, Stotland NL, Upadhyay UD, van Ditzhuijzen J

Effectiveness and safety of telehealth medication abortion in the USA.

Nature medicine

Upadhyay UD, Koenig LR, Meckstroth K, Ko J, Valladares ES, Biggs MA

Support for criminalization of self-managed abortion (SMA): A national representative survey.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Biggs MA, Becker A, Schroeder R, Kaller S, Scott K, Grossman D, Raifman S, Ralph L

Access to Reproductive Health Services Among People With Disabilities.

JAMA network open

Biggs MA, Schroeder R, Casebolt MT, Laureano BI, Wilson-Beattie RL, Ralph LJ, Kaller S, Adler A, Gichane MW

Association Between Facility and Clinician Characteristics and Family Planning Services Provided During U.S. Outpatient Care Visits.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Schulte A, Biggs MA

Awareness of medication abortion among a nationally representative U.S. sample, 2021-2022.


Kaller S, Upadhyay UD, Ralph LJ, Schroeder R, Biggs MA

Changes in the Frequency and Type of Barriers to Reproductive Health Care Between 2017 and 2021.

JAMA network open

Adler A, Biggs MA, Kaller S, Schroeder R, Ralph L

Reasons for Having Unprotected Sex Among Adolescents and Young Adults Accessing Reproductive Health Services.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Nathan SF, Berglas NF, Kaller S, Mays A, Biggs MA

Commentary: The Turnaway Study: A case of self-correction in science upended by political motivation and unvetted findings.

Frontiers in psychology

Biggs A, Foster DG, Gould H, Kimport K, Ralph L, Roberts S, Rocca C, Sisson G, Upadhyay U, Woodruff K

Intimate relationships after receiving versus being denied an abortion: A 5-year prospective study in the United States.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Upadhyay UD, Foster DG, Gould H, Biggs MA

Mental Health Implications of Abortion Restrictions for Historically Marginalized Populations.

The New England journal of medicine

Ogbu-Nwobodo L, Shim RS, Vinson SY, Fitelson EM, Biggs MA, McLemore MR, Thomas M, Godzich M, Mangurian C

Forecasting the mental health harms of overturning Roe v Wade.

BMJ (Clinical research ed.)

Biggs MA, Rocca C

Comprehension of an Over-the-Counter Drug Facts Label Prototype for a Mifepristone and Misoprostol Medication Abortion Product.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Biggs MA, Ehrenreich K, Morris N, Blanchard K, Bustamante CK, Choimorrow SY, Hauser D, Hernandez Y, Kapp N, Kromenaker T, Moayedi G, Perritt JB, Ralph L, Raymond EG, Valladares ES, White K, Grossman D

A cross-sectional survey of U.S. abortion patients' interest in obtaining medication abortion over the counter.


Biggs MA, Ralph L, Morris N, Ehrenreich K, Perritt J, Kapp N, Blanchard K, White K, Barar R, Grossman D

Accuracy of self-assessment of gestational duration among people seeking abortion.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Ralph LJ, Ehrenreich K, Barar R, Biggs MA, Morris N, Blanchard K, Kapp N, Moayedi G, Perritt J, Raymond EG, White K, Grossman D

Mail-order pharmacy dispensing of mifepristone for medication abortion after in-person clinical assessment.


Grossman D, Raifman S, Morris N, Arena A, Bachrach L, Beaman J, Biggs MA, Hannum C, Ho S, Schwarz EB, Gold M

Timing of pregnancy discovery among women seeking abortion.


Foster DG, Gould H, Biggs MA

Pharmacists' knowledge, perspectives, and experiences with mifepristone dispensing for medication abortion.

Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA

Kaller S, Morris N, Biggs MA, Baba CF, Rafie S, Raine-Bennett TR, Creinin MD, Berry E, Micks EA, Meckstroth KR, Averbach S, Grossman D

Pre-Abortion Informed Consent Through Telemedicine vs. in Person: Differences in Patient Demographics and Visit Satisfaction.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Kaller S, Daniel S, Raifman S, Biggs MA, Grossman D

Medication Abortion With Pharmacist Dispensing of Mifepristone.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Grossman D, Baba CF, Kaller S, Biggs MA, Raifman S, Gurazada T, Rafie S, Averbach S, Meckstroth KR, Micks EA, Berry E, Raine-Bennett TR, Creinin MD

The Role of Health Care Providers in Young Women's Attitudes about and Willingness to Use Emergency Contraceptive Pills.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Berglas NF, Kaller S, Mays A, Biggs MA

"It's Worked Well for Me": Young Women's Reasons for Choosing Lower-Efficacy Contraceptive Methods.

Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology

Berglas NF, Kimport K, Mays A, Kaller S, Biggs MA

Abortion method preference among people presenting for abortion care.


Wingo E, Ralph LJ, Kaller S, Biggs MA

Chilean Medical and Midwifery Faculty's Views on Conscientious Objection for Abortion Services.

International perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Casas L, Freedman L, Ramm A, Correa S, Baba CF, Biggs MA

Prevalence of Self-Managed Abortion Among Women of Reproductive Age in the United States.

JAMA network open

Ralph L, Foster DG, Raifman S, Biggs MA, Samari G, Upadhyay U, Gerdts C, Grossman D

The Fine Line Between Informing and Coercing: Community Health Center Clinicians' Approaches to Counseling Young People About IUDs.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Biggs MA, Tome L, Mays A, Kaller S, Harper CC, Freedman L

Fertility intentions and recent births among US abortion patients.


Jones RK, Foster DG, Biggs MA

Reasons for and Logistical Burdens of Judicial Bypass for Abortion in Illinois.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ralph LJ, Chaiten L, Werth E, Daniel S, Brindis CD, Biggs MA

Provider Practices and Young Women's Experiences with Provider Self-disclosure during Emergency Contraceptive Visits.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Cheeks M, Kaller S, Mays A, Biggs MA

The effect of receiving versus being denied an abortion on making and achieving aspirational 5-year life plans.

BMJ sexual & reproductive health

McCarthy MA, Upadhyay U, Ralph L, Biggs MA, Foster DG

Medical and midwifery student attitudes toward moral acceptability and legality of abortion, following decriminalization of abortion in Chile.

Sexual & reproductive healthcare : official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives

Baba CF, Casas L, Ramm A, Correa S, Biggs MA

A Prospective Cohort Study of the Effect of Receiving versus Being Denied an Abortion on Educational Attainment.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Ralph LJ, Mauldon J, Biggs MA, Foster DG

Effects of Carrying an Unwanted Pregnancy to Term on Women's Existing Children.

The Journal of pediatrics

Foster DG, Raifman SE, Gipson JD, Rocca CH, Biggs MA

Young Women's Perspectives About the Contraceptive Counseling Received During Their Emergency Contraception Visit.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Biggs MA, Kimport K, Mays A, Kaller S, Berglas NF

Five-Year Suicidal Ideation Trajectories Among Women Receiving or Being Denied an Abortion.

The American journal of psychiatry

Biggs MA, Gould H, Barar RE, Foster DG

Do School-Based Programs Prevent HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research

Mirzazadeh A, Biggs MA, Viitanen A, Horvath H, Wang LY, Dunville R, Barrios LC, Kahn JG, Marseille E

Effectiveness of School-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs in the USA: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research

Marseille E, Mirzazadeh A, Biggs MA, P Miller A, Horvath H, Lightfoot M, Malekinejad M, Kahn JG

Attitudes Toward Abortion After Receiving vs. Being Denied an Abortion in the USA.

Sexuality research & social policy : journal of NSRC : SR & SP

Woodruff K, Biggs MA, Gould H, Foster DG

Changes in Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use Over Five Years After Receiving Versus Being Denied a Pregnancy Termination.

Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs

Roberts SCM, Foster DG, Gould H, Biggs MA

Expanding the Abortion Provider Workforce: A Qualitative Study of Organizations Implementing a New California Policy.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Battistelli MF, Magnusson S, Biggs MA, Freedman L

Socioeconomic Outcomes of Women Who Receive and Women Who Are Denied Wanted Abortions in the United States.

American journal of public health

Foster DG, Biggs MA, Ralph L, Gerdts C, Roberts S, Glymour MM

"Birth Control can Easily Take a Back Seat": Challenges Providing IUDs in Community Health Care Settings.

Journal of health care for the poor and underserved

Biggs MA, Kaller S, Harper CC, Freedman L, Mays AR

The Impact of a Parental Notification Requirement on Illinois Minors' Access to and Decision-Making Around Abortion.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ralph LJ, King E, Belusa E, Foster DG, Brindis CD, Biggs MA

Predictors of timing of pregnancy discovery.


McCarthy M, Upadhyay U, Biggs MA, Anthony R, Holl J, Roberts SC

Role of Insurance Coverage in Contraceptive Use After Abortion.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Biggs MA, Taylor D, Upadhyay UD

Mental Health Outcomes After Having or Being Denied an Abortion-Reply.

JAMA psychiatry

Biggs MA, Upadhyay UD, Foster DG

The Role of Publicly Funded Family Planning Sites In Health Insurance Enrollment.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Yarger J, Daniel S, Biggs MA, Malvin J, Brindis CD

The effect of abortion on having and achieving aspirational one-year plans.

BMC women's health

Upadhyay UD, Biggs MA, Foster DG

Projections and opinions from 100 experts in long-acting reversible contraception.


Foster DG, Barar R, Gould H, Gomez I, Nguyen D, Biggs MA

Mental Health Diagnoses 3 Years After Receiving or Being Denied an Abortion in the United States.

American journal of public health

Biggs MA, Neuhaus JM, Foster DG

Potential public sector cost-savings from over-the-counter access to oral contraceptives.


Foster DG, Biggs MA, Phillips KA, Grindlay K, Grossman D

A comparison of depression and anxiety symptom trajectories between women who had an abortion and women denied one.

Psychological medicine

Foster DG, Steinberg JR, Roberts SC, Neuhaus J, Biggs MA

Did increasing use of highly effective contraception contribute to declining abortions in Iowa?


Biggs MA, Rocca CH, Brindis CD, Hirsch H, Grossman D

Risk of violence from the man involved in the pregnancy after receiving or being denied an abortion.

BMC medicine

Roberts SC, Biggs MA, Chibber KS, Gould H, Rocca CH, Foster DG

Does abortion reduce self-esteem and life satisfaction?

Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation

Biggs MA, Upadhyay UD, Steinberg JR, Foster DG

Factors influencing the provision of long-acting reversible contraception in California.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Biggs MA, Harper CC, Malvin J, Brindis CD

The role of intimate partners in women's reasons for seeking abortion.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Chibber KS, Biggs MA, Roberts SC, Foster DG

Understanding why women seek abortions in the US.

BMC women's health

Biggs MA, Gould H, Foster DG

Cost-savings from the provision of specific contraceptive methods in 2009.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Foster DG, Biggs MA, Malvin J, Bradsberry M, Darney P, Brindis CD

Same-day LARC insertion attitudes and practices.


Biggs MA, Arons A, Turner R, Brindis CD

Limited socioeconomic opportunities and Latina teen childbearing: a qualitative study of family and structural factors affecting future expectations.

Journal of immigrant and minority health

Minnis AM, Marchi K, Ralph L, Biggs MA, Combellick S, Arons A, Brindis CD, Braveman P

Interest in a pericoital pill among women in family planning and abortion clinics.


Foster DG, Biggs MA, Grossman D, Schwarz EB

Educational barriers, social isolation, and stable romantic relationships among pregnant immigrant Latina teens.

Hispanic health care international : the official journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses

Biggs MA, Combellick S, Arons A, Brindis CD

Misunderstanding the risk of conception from unprotected and protected sex.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Biggs MA, Foster DG

Unprotected intercourse among women wanting to avoid pregnancy: attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Biggs MA, Karasek D, Foster DG

Estimating the fertility effect of expansions of publicly funded family planning services in California.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Foster DG, Biggs MA, Rostovtseva D, de Bocanegra HT, Darney PD, Brindis CD

Willingness to have unprotected sex.

Journal of sex research

Foster DG, Higgins JA, Biggs MA, McCain C, Holtby S, Brindis CD

Factors Associated with Delayed Childbearing: From the Voices of Expectant Latina Adults and Teens in California

Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 2010; 32:77-103.

Biggs MA, Ralph L, Minnis A, Arons A, Marchi K, Lehrer J, Braveman P, Brindis C.

Cost savings from the provision of specific methods of contraception in a publicly funded program.

American journal of public health

Foster DG, Rostovtseva DP, Brindis CD, Biggs MA, Hulett D, Darney PD

Family planning and life planning reproductive intentions among individuals seeking reproductive health care.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Foster DG, Biggs MA, Ralph LJ, Arons A, Brindis CD

Public savings from the prevention of unintended pregnancy: a cost analysis of family planning services in California.

Health services research

Amaral G, Foster DG, Biggs MA, Jasik CB, Judd S, Brindis CD

Estimates of pregnancies averted through California's family planning waiver program in 2002.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

Foster DG, Biggs MA, Amaral G, Brindis C, Navarro S, Bradsberry M, Stewart F

Integrating Chlamydia trachomatis control services for males in female reproductive health programs.

Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health

McConnell JK, Packel L, Biggs MA, Chow JM, Brindis C

Meeting the reproductive health care needs of adolescents: California's Family Planning Access, Care, and Treatment Program.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Brindis CD, Llewelyn L, Marie K, Blum M, Biggs A, Maternowska C

Adolescent Latino reproductive health: A review of the literature

Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences

Driscoll AK, Biggs AM, Brindis CD, Yankah E

Maternal moods predict breastfeeding in Barbados.

Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP

Galler JR, Harrison RH, Biggs MA, Ramsey F, Forde V