Anjana Sharma, MD, MAS
I have developed deep expertise in patient and community engagement in healthcare settings to improve quality and safety outcomes.
Specifically, I have skills in building and maintaining representative and ethical patient advisory councils, mixed-methods research, implementation science, quality improvement, community-engaged research, and reproductive health. Most of my work has focused on the public healthcare network, serving patients that our society has structurally and historically disinvested and marginalized.
My research portfolio seeks to develop research that will transform healthcare delivery structures into participatory, vibrant locations of well-being, healing, and justice. I currently am studying how patients can inform ambulatory patient safety improvement work, and the prevalence and impact of patient and community engagement in primary care.
I can provide expert consultation on developing patient/community advisory boards for clinical care or research activities that are patient- and community co-created. I am involved in residency education regarding community engagement competencies and engaging patients and community partners in residency education.