Kelly Johnson, MD, MPH

Assistant Adjunct Professor
+1 415 476-1528 ext. 2129c

I am the Medical Director of the California STI/HIV Prevention Training Center at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the UCSF Division of Infectious Diseases, and a Public Health Medical Officer in the STD Control Branch at the California Department of Public Health. I am board-certified in both Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases and attend on the inpatient Infectious Diseases consult service at UCSF. My research and public health interests include HIV/STI prevention and control, and real-world implementation of HIV PrEP.


First Clade Ib Monkeypox Virus Infection Reported in the Americas - California, November 2024.

MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report

Levy V, Branzuela A, Hsieh K, Getabecha S, Berumen R, Saadeh K, Snyder RE, Marek G, Dodson D, Newman A, Hacker JK, Kath C, Minhaj FS, Gigante CM, Gearhart S, Kallen A, Hutson CL, Jacobson K, Clade I Mpox Response Team

A Pair of Hearts: Two Cases of Mitral Valve Gonococcal Endocarditis.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Pearce CF, Johnson KA, Meshkaty N, Tang E

Sexual exposures associated with mpox infection: California, November 2022 to June 2023.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Snyder RE, Saadeh K, Tang EC, Johnson KA, Holland SN, Quint J, Burghardt NO, Chai SJ, Fernando R, Barrera KG, Hernandez C, McManus K, Lorenz K, Maycott J, McGinley J, Lewnard JA

Understanding the Impact of Mpox on Sexual Health Clinical Services: A National Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Survey-United States, 2022.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Schubert SL, Miele K, Quilter LAS, Agnew-Brune C, Coor A, Kachur R, Lewis F, Ard KL, Wendel K, Anderson T, Nagendra G, Tromble E, National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers

Treatment of Mpox with Suspected Tecovirimat Resistance in Immunocompromised Patient, United States, 2022.

Emerging infectious diseases

Contag CA, Mische L, Fong I, Karan A, Vaidya A, McCormick DW, Bower W, Hacker JK, Johnson K, SanJuan P, Crebbin L, Temmins C, Sahni H, Bogler Y, Cooper JD, Narasimhan S

Reduced Odds of Mpox-Associated Hospitalization Among Persons Who Received JYNNEOS Vaccine - California, May 2022-May 2023.

MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report

Schildhauer S, Saadeh K, Vance J, Quint J, Salih T, Lo T, Keinde A, Chojolan E, Gotlieb E, Ramos M, Chapman E, Peters P, Watson J, Johnson KA, Tang EC, Jacobson K, Snyder R

Testing for Mycoplasma genitalium and Using Doxycycline as First-Line Therapy at Initial Presentations for Non-Gonococcal Urethritis (NGU) Correlate With Reductions in Persistent NGU.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Johnson KA, Sankaran M, Kohn RP, Bacon O, Cohen SE

Urine Tenofovir Levels Strongly Correlate With Virologic Suppression in Patients With Human Immunodeficiency Virus on Tenofovir Alafenamide-Based Antiretroviral Therapy.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Johnson KA, Okochi H, Arreguin M, Watabe J, Glidden DV, Chattopadhyay A, Imbert E, Hickey MD, Gandhi M, Spinelli M

Disseminated Gonococcal Infections-Lessons Learned From an Ongoing California Public Health Investigation.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Johnson KA, Tang EC, Alvarado L, Hernandez CL, Fernando R, Burghardt NO, Snyder RE, Salas KL, Franco R, Marston M, Martinez A, Jacobson K

Characterizing the Rise of Disseminated Gonococcal Infections in California, July 2020-July 2021.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Tang EC, Johnson KA, Alvarado L, Burghardt NO, Hernandez C, Lopez E, Jenkins-Barnes T, Hughes B, Salas KL, Jacobson KR

Texting Lost-to-follow-up PrEP Patients from a San Francisco Sexual Health Clinic.

Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research

Johnson KA, Levy M, Brosnan H, Kohn RP, Cohen SE

Geospatial Social Determinants of Health Correlate with Disparities in Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis Cases in California.

Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland)

Johnson KA, Snyder RE, Tang EC, de Guzman NS, Plotzker RE, Murphy R, Jacobson K

Concurrent COVID-19 and Acute HIV: A Case Report and Diagnostic Review.

Case reports in medicine

Johnson KA, Graglia S, Lynch ED, De Mesa J, Antunez E, Torres S, Coffey S, Cohen SE

Brief Report: No Difference in Urine Tenofovir Levels in Patients Living With HIV on Unboosted Versus Dose-Adjusted Boosted Tenofovir Alafenamide.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Johnson KA, Okochi H, Glidden DV, Gandhi M, Spinelli M

Measuring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sexually Transmitted Diseases Public Health Surveillance and Program Operations in the State of California.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Johnson KA, Burghardt NO, Tang EC, Long P, Plotzker R, Gilson D, Murphy R, Jacobson K

Acute HIV at the Time of Initiation of Pre-exposure or Post-exposure Prophylaxis: Impact on Drug Resistance and Clinical Outcomes.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Johnson KA, Chen MJ, Kohn R, Sachdev D, Bacon O, Lee S, Cohen SE

Lower Urine Tenofovir Concentrations Among Individuals Taking Tenofovir Alafenamide Versus Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate: Implications for Point-of-Care Testing.

Open forum infectious diseases

Johnson KA, Niu X, Glidden DV, Castillo-Mancilla JR, Yager J, MaWhinney S, Morrow M, Okochi H, Cressey TR, Drain PK, Gandhi M, Anderson PL, Spinelli MA

HIV Seroconversion in the Era of Pharmacologic Prevention: A Case-Control Study at a San Francisco STD Clinic.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Johnson KA, Hessol NA, Kohn R, Nguyen TQ, Mara ES, Hsu L, Scheer S, Cohen SE

Clinical Features of Neutrophilic Dermatosis Variants Resembling Necrotizing Fasciitis.

JAMA dermatology

Sanchez IM, Lowenstein S, Johnson KA, Babik J, Haag C, Keller JJ, Ortega-Loayza AG, Cohen J, McCalmont TH, Demer AM, Mansh MD, Hylwa SA, Liu J, Shinkai K

The Importance of Independent Evaluation.

JAMA internal medicine

Johnson KA, Ross JS

Aligning federal efforts in emergency care: surveying the existing landscape

Georgetown Public Policy Review

Johnson KA, Handrigan MT, Roszak A

Toward radiological preparedness.

Disaster medicine and public health preparedness

Johnson KA, Coleman N

Annals of Emergency Medicine

Accountability, transparency, and interoperability: developing a database of federal efforts in emergency medical care

Johnson KA, Handrigan MT